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[Theme Handbook Overhaul] Publish Chapter 1: Getting Started and Chapter 2: Core Concepts #1259

Open justintadlock opened 8 months ago

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Now that the Getting Started and Core Concepts chapters are drafted, it is time to begin moving them to the Theme Handbook. These two chapters should be published at the same time because there is a lot of cross-linking between the two.

These chapters must wait until Chapter 5: Features (#1256) is published before moving forward to avoid broken links.

This is a sub-tracking issue for https://github.com/WordPress/Documentation-Issue-Tracker/issues/816. I've created this ticket so that it's easier to manage and coordinate the process for this new chapter that is being added. We can also use this to add any notes for things we need to know as we move through the larger Theme Handbook Overhaul project.

Docs to publish

Publish under the Getting Started chapter:

Publish under the Core Concepts chapter:

Older content to update

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Heads up @WordPress/docs-issues-coordinators, we have a new issue open. Time to use 'em labels.

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Heads up @kafleg @carolinan @TeBenachi - the "themes" label was applied to this issue.

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Chapter 1 drafts are now moved from Google Docs to drafts in the Theme Handbook, with the exception of #1257 and #841. Those will replace existing pages, and I didn't want to mess those up until we published.

Note that some screenshots now have the Twenty Twenty-Four theme, which won't be available until WordPress 6.4 on Nov. 7, 2023.

I'll get to work on Chapter 2 soon.

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Most of Chapter 2 is now drafted in the Theme Handbook. I still have the Including Assets and Global Settings and Styles docs left, which I'll pick up next week.

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Both Chapter 1: Getting Started and Chapter 2: Core Concepts are drafted in the Theme Handbook. These can now be published with approval from the handbook reps (after WordPress 6.4 is released).

kafleg commented 8 months ago

I will check when I will get time.

kafleg commented 8 months ago

@justintadlock I just went to all the drafts and checked them. All of them LGTM.

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Thanks, @kafleg. I'll go through any notes in the tickets and get these published today.

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Both of these chapters are now live with updated/new content:

I'll leave this ticket open for a bit for bug reports and working through old content updates.

bacoords commented 8 months ago

Great work! Minor error on the theme structure page under Required Files. You say There are three necessary files but then only list two files, index.html and style.css.

justintadlock commented 8 months ago

Great work! Minor error on the theme structure page under Required Files. You say There are three necessary files but then only list two files, index.html and style.css.

Good catch! Fixed. It's supposed to be just the two files listed.