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Styling Elements in Block Themes #520

Closed bph closed 1 year ago

bph commented 1 year ago

Update 9/10/22: update by Abha - doing second review.

I have edited your comment as this ticket is a note rather than an issue. Can we convert notes to issues to be able to add comments to the ticket please, and if so, do they go in the document-issue-tracker repo? Thanks @bph.

Reviewed. Edits added, including:


Thanks. Abha

bph commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Abha! Agreed on Global Styles being Styles now, thanks for catching it.

I don't know about title in code blocks, should we?

Here is the public preview link for this Dev Note https://make.wordpress.org/core/?p=98557&preview=1&_ppp=4f920f8d6b

bph commented 1 year ago

And it's published