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Contributors block #1005

Open adamwoodnz opened 1 year ago

adamwoodnz commented 1 year ago

Cross content block for the sidebar showing each contributor's avatar and name, and links to their .org profile.

It should look similar to this from Tutorials, but without the description, and in a vertical stack so that multiple contributors can be listed:


It will receive an array of contributors, but this list could be sourced from different data fields depending on the post type:

Post type Proposed field
Tutorial Other Contributors (add presenter to this field)
Course Teacher
Online Workshop N/A
Lesson Plan Needs 'Contributors' field added
hlashbrooke commented 1 year ago

I think this update should also standardise the field used for contributors, so each post type just has one field, and it's the same for all the post types. The best bet would be to use one of the existing fields that tutorials have, remove the other one, and then apply it to the other post types as well.

bsanevans commented 1 month ago

@adamwoodnz Flagging this as another feature that would be great to have implemented with the redesign.

With us streamlining content types, all we'd be looking at now is adding a Contributor field to Sensei Lessons. This should allow for one or more contributors, and link to their WordPress.org profile on the front end.

adamwoodnz commented 1 month ago

@adamwoodnz Flagging this as another feature that would be great to have implemented with the redesign.

With us streamlining content types, all we'd be looking at now is adding a Contributor field to Sensei Lessons. This should allow for one or more contributors, and link to their WordPress.org profile on the front end.

Added to the project, we'll see if we can get to it