These types of inaccuracies have been noticed while doing just the first and second courses of the "Introduction to WordPress" series and I expect to see more of these as I go.
These impede on the learning experience, it would be great if there would be a better way to report them. It also seems it might be time for the course curator to review all the content to correct these inaccuracies.
Reporting one of many examples of inaccurate and confusing questions
Write a description of your feedback here:
For example, in the following question, we are asked to select two answers but the answer are provided as radio buttons and not checkboxes which makes it so only one answer can be selected.
Which of the listed image options helps both search engines and assistive technology ‘see’ your media?
Select the two that apply.
Also on the same page, the next question refers to an image on the left of that page but there are no images on the quiz page or reference to a sample site to look at.
What happens if you delete an image from a POST or a PAGE?
In this example, you are deleting the image on the left from this page. What will happen?
Also on the same page, one for the answer is the question which is confusing.
What happens if you delete an image from the MEDIA LIBRARY?
The image will still appear on a post or a page for a few days, but eventually will leave a broken image.
The image will also be deleted from the media library.
The image will still exist in the media library.
A feedback process/functionality on each page would be practical to flag these more efficiently because opening issues like this each time that I find one error/missing details/confusing section (which was not easy to find in the first place) will be too time-consuming. This results in these not being reported and living an extended life on the courses creating unneeded frustration and a poor learning experience.
These types of inaccuracies have been noticed while doing just the first and second courses of the "Introduction to WordPress" series and I expect to see more of these as I go.
These impede on the learning experience, it would be great if there would be a better way to report them. It also seems it might be time for the course curator to review all the content to correct these inaccuracies.
Feedback Details
Write a description of your feedback here:
For example, in the following question, we are asked to select two answers but the answer are provided as radio buttons and not checkboxes which makes it so only one answer can be selected.
Also on the same page, the next question refers to an image on the left of that page but there are no images on the quiz page or reference to a sample site to look at.
Also on the same page, one for the answer is the question which is confusing.
A feedback process/functionality on each page would be practical to flag these more efficiently because opening issues like this each time that I find one error/missing details/confusing section (which was not easy to find in the first place) will be too time-consuming. This results in these not being reported and living an extended life on the courses creating unneeded frustration and a poor learning experience.
Thanks for caring!
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