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Tutorial - Creating a tutorial for Learn.WordPress.org #1658

Closed wparasae closed 10 months ago

wparasae commented 1 year ago

Topic Description

A short video about how to contribute a new tutorial for learn.wordpress.org.

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wparasae commented 1 year ago

_How to create a video tutorial for Learn.WordPress.org.

[CLICK] Did you know that educational videos that appear on learn.wordpress.org–yes, just like the one you’re watching right now!--can be created by you? Whether you have a particular audience in mind you’d like to reach, know something cool about WordPress that doesn’t exist on learn.wordpress.org, or simply want to contribute back to this wonderful open source software, [CLICK] you are welcome to join us as a content creator! [CLICK] [CLICK]

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: [CLICK] -Describe the steps contributors take to create a tutorial from start to finish [CLICK] -Choose an appropriate tutorial topic[CLICK] -Confidently write a tutorial script[CLICK] -Record your audio and screencasts[CLICK] -Publish your tutorial on learn.wordpress.org [CLICK]

Before we begin, here is an important note: this video is geared toward folks who have already joined the WordPress training team and would like to begin contributing as a content creator --_ [Move to TT Handbook on Getting Started] if you have not yet joined the training team, please start by seeing our handbook page on getting started [URL], which you can find in the resources section of this tutorial on learn.wordpress.org. If you've already joined the training team, before you start making a video tutorial, please make sure to check out the [Move to TT Handbook on Content Creator Onboarding] Content Creator Onboarding Path to learn how to get started: https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/content-creator-onboarding/

This tutorial aims to break down these tasks into bite-sized chunks so that you can get started creating your own video tutorials with confidence. Let’s get started! [Move back to Google Slides]

Step One: Picking Your Tutorial's Topic [Move back to Training Team's Github Repo] Using the Training Team's Github repo, check out the “ready to create” column. This column has a strong list of good ideas, and will be marked with 'tutorial'. If you see one that resonates with you, add yourself to the topic [Sarah adds herself to scheduling posts and pages topic] if you have this access, or ask in Slack to be added to this tutorial. [Show the different avatars in Github] This lets us know that you are working on this topic so that someone else does not work on it at the same time. If you need help picking a topic, or have another idea, please reach out in the [move to training channel] #training channel and ping the Training Faculty by typing @ faculty. [Type out Content Creators and show selecting the right group] We will be happy to help you figure out a strong first topic! [Move back to Google Slides]

Step Two: Drafting Tutorial Content [Click] Start by researching your topic in the docs and learn.wordpress.org: Before you start writing, it's important to see what information already exists. [Move to showing docs, searching for settings] This step will allow you to research credible information that already exists, and provide helpful links to the documents, related tutorials or courses, or other resources in the WordPress.org sphere. [Move to learn.wordpress.org and search for a related topic] Checking learn.wordpress.org will also help you to avoid duplicating content that may already exist--or help you identify what topics may need new, updated content for a new WordPress release, such as creating new tutorials on similar topics for the the 6.3 release--or beyond.

[Show me copying and pasting a description into the GitHub issue]Once you've found related links, ask for help to or move your content issue into the "drafts in progress" column. This tells the team that you're actively working on it! Next, write your topic's description and learning objectives, if these have not already been written by another contributor in the Github issue itself.

To keep it simple, your tutorial's "objective" is the answer to this question: “What should learners be able to DO at the end of this tutorial?” Focus on actions rather than “knowing” – this chart here [Switch to Bloom's Taxonomy], known as Bloom's Taxonomy, can help you pick words at the start of your objective to get learners moving at the end of a tutorial. Aim for 2 to 3 learning objectives. If you get stuck at this point, feel free to ask for help in the Training channel.

[Show a script at the bottom of a GitHub tutorial] Once you know what you want learners to be able to do, it's time to write your tutorial script in a Github comment. You are welcome to use AI tools such as OpenAI or ChatGPT to help you brainstorm, but do note that you should not use it as the entire script. [Show ChatGPT and ask it a question about WordPress block themes] AI does get quite a bit wrong, does not currently contain information about block themes, and can be a bit wordy, so make sure to revise and edit until you're satisfied.

Optional: BEFORE you start recording, If this is your first time recording a tutorial or you would like as second set of eyes, feel free to get feedback on your first script. This step is highly recommended for beginning tutorial contributors, as it’s easier to revise something in text than it is to re-record entire sections. [back to Google Slides] [Show a comment: Before I start recording, would someone please check over this tutorial script for accuracy / content? Thank you!] Make the request in the Github comments, then add a link to it in Slack [show moving back to Slack] so that contributors can check your work.

Step Three: Record your first draft.

One way to start is by using and personalizing a Google Slide Deck, which you can download or make a copy of. Find this slide deck in the resource section of this tutorial, you are welcome to use, modify, and adapt to your needs. The first slide contains your title, which should use sentence case, and your name. The second slide is used for your learning objectives. Feel free to add a graphic or two to personalize it, though avoid anything that might look like self-promotion (such as your social media handle or WordPress website) or brands. Some resources you can use are openverse, pexels, and pixabay, but be sure to check the license to ensure you're using images appropriately and with respect to their creators.

[Move to Scheduling Posts Issue and copy and paste this into the tutorial]It's an optional best practice to add your Google slide deck to this Github issue, as that will allow future contributors to translate your text to another language or potentially update a tutorial in the future as WordPress evolves.


The next thing you will probably need is a WordPress environment to record screencasts. You can use [Show local's website] Local by Flywheel, [show wpkinsta] WPKinsta, or even utilize [show WordPress playground] WordPress playground by heading to the link in this tutorial's resources to set up a temporary WordPress website to take screencasts.

One thing I often do to quickly set up a sample website is use the plugin FakerPress, which allows me to generate posts and pages with images, and then quickly adapt them to my needs. You can see here that I have installed FakerPress, and then I generate content -- I can enter the number of posts or pages I would like, and use Lorem Picsum to pull stock photography for both featured images and images within posts and pages. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done a lot faster!

The benefit of using WordPress playground is that when your sample website is finished, you can download an entire copy and add it to Github, which can be uploaded again to the same playground later by you--or anyone.

Next, it's time to record your tutorial.

Some methods you could choose to use to record :

  1. Use Descript to present, recording audio and video at the same time. This has the advantage of being able to edit a video like a text document, which can be a fast way to create recordings for some people.
  2. Use ScreenPal to make and edit recordings -- this software has two branches, one to record, and one to edit, but both provide ample options to work on your work.
  3. Use Zoom to take screencasts and record audio, and use OpenShot to edit your work. As you record, feel free to use the Google slide deck to create animations, add more slides, etc. You are allowed artistic freedom here. Be sure to use large fonts that will be readable on a cellphone, and ensure your color contrast is high to ensure accessibility.

As you get started, take some time to read over the documents to help you get started with whatever program you choose to use, which will help you get started recording faster with less frustration.

Step Four: Submit Your Draft For Review Your first submission does not need to be pixel perfect for you to submit it for review. When your first draft of your tutorial is finished, upload it to a Google Drive or to Github, then include the link in your Github issue. Leave a comment in Github that announces the tutorial is ready for review.

If you have any concerns about parts of your tutorial, including sound quality, animations, etc, feel free to ask some specific questions in your Github comment. For example, Sarah Snow often has birds in the background. She uses Krisp, a noise cancelling software, but you can also use [EXAMPLE, EXAMPLE, EXAMPLE], and will ask contributors to check if they can hear birds in the background. Don't let something not being perfect stop you from submitting for a review.

Allow two weeks or a minimum of three reviews for other contributors to provide feedback on your tutorial.

We aim to give actionable feedback that helps you pinpoint some places where change would help clarity. Another bit of reassurance should go here.

Step Five: Polish and Revise Your Work Make any suggested changes to your work using the same video editing software. You are the author of this work, so use your best judgment for what changes you will make -- you do not have to accept all changes, but do take some time to consider them. You may also catch some issues you missed the first time around, so feel free to make changes as you work!

Step Six: Publish Your Work Please note that these steps can be a lot! We are here to help you every step of the way, so please don’t hesitate to ask someone for assistance.

Submit to WordPress.tv Once your work is revised, it’s time to publish it! Watch as Sarah Snow submits her video to WordPress.tv – this will need to be approved before you can move on, and you can ask in the training channel for someone to do so.

Create a workshop on learn.wordpress.org While you are waiting for your video to be approved, start prepping the workshop on learn.wordpress.org itself. [Describe all the forms that need to be filled out].

Caption Your Work The training team provides access to Otter.ai to upload your video and edit the transcript. Please see the captioning guidelines at X LINK to help you with this step. Then, submit your captions to the video.

Captions will also need to be approved, so feel free to ask again in the #training channel if you need this step done for you.

Make sure to double-check your work for spelling and grammar; you can also ask for assistance in the training team channel if you are unsure. We’re here to support you every step of the way! The final step is to publish your tutorial! Select any relevant categories in the sidebar or add a new one if needed. The handbook page on publishing your tutorial can walk you through this process step by step. Don't forget to add your cover slide with your name and the tutorial name to the featured image section.

Once it's published, it's time to celebrate -- and announce your Tutorial! Add a link to your new tutorial to the training team Slack and celebrate - you’ve just contributed to the WordPress open source project, and you should be very proud of all that you’ve accomplished. Feel free to share your tutorial on social media to celebrate your contribution. You've earned it!

[Move to TT Handbook on Creating a Tutorial] It's also recommended that you read over the Training Team's handbook on Creating a Tutorial (https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/tutorials/creating-a-tutorial/) to help clarify this process and answer any FAQ's.

wparasae commented 11 months ago

This tutorial is ready for review. Please view it (~12 minutes) at this link:


github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

This content is ready to be reviewed. Please follow the steps listed under Guidelines for reviewing content. Thank you for your contribution! :sparkles:

westnz commented 11 months ago


This video takes contributors through the steps of creating a tutorial clearly and systematically. You provide good examples throughout the tutorial.

Two suggestions:

Job well-done, @wparasae. This will be a valuable resource, and I hope we will have more contributors creating video content.

PS: This video should be added to the Handbook.

wparasae commented 11 months ago

Thank you so much for your feedback, Wes! I'm happy to make those changes.

PS: This video should be added to the Handbook.

I agree! I hope it's helpful going forward. :)

wparasae commented 11 months ago

Note to myself to add one brief new step to this video:

  1. If you utilize an older WordPress playground, you will need to go to /wp-admin and login. The username and password are literally listed on the screen.

  2. Edit to add: We have to manually move the issue; it does not automatically move when the "review" tag is assigned. @bsanevans I'm not sure if this can be automated with the adding of the tag--does the tag get added automatically when it's moved? I'll need to check this.

github-actions[bot] commented 11 months ago

This content is ready to be reviewed. Please follow the steps listed under Guidelines for reviewing content. Thank you for your contribution! :sparkles:

bsanevans commented 11 months ago

@wparasae Unfortunately, GitHub doesn't support any automations right now that utilize or modify the project status. This has to be changed manually 😞

wparasae commented 11 months ago

Suggested changes made and tutorial published! https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/how-to-create-a-video-tutorial-for-learn-wordpress-org/