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Meeting Agenda December 12, 2023 #2100

Closed Piyopiyo-Kitsune closed 9 months ago

Piyopiyo-Kitsune commented 9 months ago

Training Team meetings start at 07:00 UTC weekly on Tuesdays. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the meeting by commenting in Slack threads throughout the week. Meeting notes will be published at the end of the week to also incorporate these asynchronous conversations.

This week’s meeting will be hosted by @Piyopiyo-Kitsune

1. Intro/Welcome

Welcome to all new teammates who joined the Training Team this week!

2. News

1. Meeting Note Takers

Final meeting for the year is next Tuesday, December 19th. We’ll resume on January 9th.

2. Looking for feedback

3. Looking for volunteers

4. Updates from last week's dev-squad triage session

Attendees: @psykro, @ devmuhib, @kafleg, @bsanevans, @digitalchild, @sumitsingh

PRs triaged:

Bugs triaged:


5. Other news

3. Open requests for review

See our Guidelines for reviewing content to review the following content.

4. Project updates

5. Open Discussions

If you have topics you’d liked discussed in the meeting, please leave them as a comment on this issue.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

bsanevans commented 9 months ago

Noting @nftushar has volunteered to take notes for the January 23rd meeting next year. (Slack thread)

jonathanbossenger commented 9 months ago

I have added the dev-squad triage feedback.

@Piyopiyo-Kitsune would it be possible to post each of the items under Notes as separate messages during the meeting, to allow threadable conversations on each one?

lada7042 commented 9 months ago

The switch to Matrix is on hold as per Matt at State of the Word Q& A section. Still good to continue to learn how to use it.

bsanevans commented 9 months ago

This meeting started here: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RW657Q/p1702364481168269

webtechpooja commented 9 months ago

Meeting recap notes: https://make.wordpress.org/training/2023/12/16/training-team-meeting-recap-12th-december-2023/