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The built-in WordPress debugging options #2378

Closed jonathanbossenger closed 4 months ago

jonathanbossenger commented 5 months ago


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github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

Lesson Development Checklist

agiljulio commented 5 months ago

Hi team, I would like to be involved in recording this video

vinciunaite commented 5 months ago

Hey, just dropping a comment so I can stay in the loop with this

jonathanbossenger commented 5 months ago

Thanks, everyone.

@agiljulio I will work on the script and voiceover next week.

Do you prefer one single audio file, or does it work better if I break up the logical sections into different audio files?

Also, what audio container (wav, mp3, etc) and encoding bitrate do you prefer?

agiljulio commented 5 months ago

Great, can't wait for it πŸ‘

I prefer a single audio file, and for the audio format I usually use mp3 with a bitrate of 256kbps.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Script: https://github.com/jonathanbossenger/wp-content/blob/main/developer-learning-pathway/12-debugging-in-wordpress/01-built-in-wordpress-debugging-options.md

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/133KYHqkY0hyX_LQ8hyrT1w1D76rdFn1qSl0gxhkclaY/edit?usp=sharing

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Audio recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P7uIfPf0l9yj3TVKhn8p6y0297H2nia9/view?usp=sharing

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

@agiljulio I have updated this issue with as much information as possible along with the audio file.

  1. In the issue description, under relevant links, is the link to the WordPress documentation as well as a tutorial that I previously recorded. The content of this lesson is mostly the same as the tutorial, but with a different intro, and without the plugin related content.
  2. I have also included a copy of the script, which itself includes links to most of the resources referenced, as well as the example code and code snippets.
  3. I have included my slides. You don't have to use them, but the training team does have a slide template you can find in our handbook on creating lessons, that uses the same colours and fonts.
  4. I would also recommend reading through our Lesson guidelines, as this describes the format of our lessons.
  5. Finally, you can watch any of the videos in the the beginner user pathway or the beginner developer pathway, to get a feel for how we create content.

Please let me know here if you have any questions.

Also, please could you give me an idea of how long you estimate it would take you to create the final video for this lesson.


agiljulio commented 4 months ago

Hi @jonathanbossenger , thank you for the script, slides, and audio files.

I have some questions in mind:

The video editing takes about 2-3 days, depending on the complexity of the video itself. For this video I will try to complete it within 3 days, I will inform you as soon as the video is ready.

Thank you.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Hi @agiljulio thanks for the questions

Regarding the color formats and fonts, I'm not sure if that's a hard requirement. What I will do is ask the question in the training team channel in Slack, and we can discuss it with the team there.

For the QA process, usually what happens is that we upload the video (or a link to the video) in a comment in the GitHub issue, and then one or more reviewers from the training team will review it, following these guidelines.

As we are collaborating on this together, I will probably review the video first, and then ask another member of the team for a second review.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

I have asked the question around colours and fonts here.

agiljulio commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the update @jonathanbossenger

I've checked the discussion in the training team channel in Slack and I can start recording and editing the video.

If I have any other questions, I'll ask them here. Thank you.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Perfect, thank you @agiljulio, I look forward to seeing the video.

agiljulio commented 4 months ago

Hi @jonathanbossenger , here is the built-in WordPress debugging options video has been edited. Could you please check the video, thank you πŸ™

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Thank you @agiljulio I look forward to watching it.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Hi @agiljulio

First off, amazing work, I can see you are a skilled video content creator.

I only really have 2 pieces of feedback:

  1. Would it be possible to remove the sound effects? I know that sound effects increase engagement as well as a subconscious appreciation of quality, but for a developer focused audience, they can become a little overwhelming.
  2. At around 3:35, where you show the results of the REST API request, would it be possible to include the browser window, with the address bar which reflects the REST API route. This will help the learner connect their custom REST route with what's on screen.

Other than that, I have no other feedback, other than great work. Would you feel comfortable to work on the rest of the video lessons in this module?

agiljulio commented 4 months ago

Hi @jonathanbossenger , thank you for the feedback, and here is the video that has been fixed.

Yes, I could work on the rest of that video lessons.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Awesome, thank you @agiljulio

I will share this with the training team for further review.

Next week I'll prepare a script for the next lesson, https://github.com/WordPress/Learn/issues/2379.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Video ready for review: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13klhu8cxZaGVsGzZ4qM9lqhujMM_Av1-/view

digitalchild commented 4 months ago

This is a great introduction to debugging, and there were even a few things in there I had forgotten.

Tutorial/Lessons Review Checklist

Please tick all items you've confirmed:

agiljulio commented 4 months ago

Alright, thank you @jonathanbossenger πŸ™

ironnysh commented 4 months ago

Tutorial/Lessons Review Checklist

Please tick all items you've confirmed:

Great tutorial, content and production-wise!

I have one correction and two requests/suggestions :-)

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Thank you @ironnysh

@agiljulio would you be able to make these updates?

agiljulio commented 4 months ago

thank you for the feedback @ironnysh and here is the updated video @jonathanbossenger

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

Hi @agiljulio

First off, I want to thank you for your hard work and continued interactions and updates to this lesson.

One of the amazing things about collaborating in an open source space, is the ability to learn from each other.

As such, I'd like to discuss some of the changes that have been requested to the video (by me and others) and get your input on those choices

Thanks in advance.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

@agiljulio I have also asked the rest of the training team to share their thoughts and input, so that we can all come to a consensus. Please don't feel the need to make any further changes to the video though, I'm hoping through this process we can all learn and improve from each other.

agiljulio commented 4 months ago

Hi @jonathanbossenger , thank you very much for the input, it really helps me to improve and maintain the quality of the video.

Thank you once again πŸ™

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

@agiljulio I would like that take this opportunity to thank you for your continued and open collaboration on this lesson.

At this stage, I think the video without sound effects, using the code editor in light mode is the way to go. It helps alleviate any possible issues with accessibility, and creates uniformity with the rest of the lessons in the larger learning pathway.

If we decide to add sound effects to all our videos going forward, then I will certainly be leaning on your experience :-)

I'm going to start the process of getting this video uploaded to WordPress.tv/YouTube and learn.wordpress.org. I will also prepare the second script for the second lesson in this module, which I will upload by tomorrow.

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

WordPress.tv https://wordpress.tv/2024/05/15/the-built-in-wordpress-debugging-options/

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago

YouTube: https://youtu.be/wCh2_LLYC2Q

jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago


jonathanbossenger commented 4 months ago
