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Lesson Plan data migration #2392

Open adamwoodnz opened 2 months ago

adamwoodnz commented 2 months ago

Migrate Lesson Plans to Lessons, with teacher's notes.

Add redirects from old URLs to new URLs (see https://github.com/WordPress/Learn/issues/2496)

kathrynwp commented 2 weeks ago

Breaking this down a little more, here are some things I'm thinking we'll need to do:

Admin/content work

Design work

Dev work

adamwoodnz commented 2 weeks ago
  • Migrate Lesson Plans to Teacher Notes

Feels like we could rename Lesson Plans to Teacher's Notes in the UI rather than migrating content to another post type. We have already done this for a couple of other post types on this site, for example Tutorials used to be called Workshops (that's why the slug for tutorials is wporg_workshop).

kathrynwp commented 2 weeks ago

Feels like we could rename Lesson Plans to Teacher's Notes in the UI rather than migrating content to another post type. We have already done this for a couple of other post types on this site, for example Tutorials used to be called Workshops (that's why the slug for tutorials is wporg_workshop).

This makes a lot of sense to me, and I even had the same thought while writing up the notes here!

Piyopiyo-Kitsune commented 2 weeks ago

Just jumping in here for clarity--

The desired end state for “Teacher’s Notes” is a tab or popup sidebar section within a lesson that can host the details of a lesson plan for a facilitator. The information of the lesson plan would be stored in a custom field / block within the lesson editor.

This is in order to reduce the need for us to have to edit duplicative information across different post types, and instead manage all information in one lesson. This also will help us with streamlining translation work.

Feels like we could rename Lesson Plans to Teacher's Notes in the UI rather than migrating content to another post type.

If I’m reading the above correctly, this suggestion just renames the post type, but does not change anything toward the desired end state. I'd anticipate the "Migrate Lesson Plans to Teacher Notes" to potentially be a more manual process unless we can map all fields in the new feature and have a strong migration script.

While we discussed the "Teacher's Notes" functionality within a lesson with the Design team, we do not currently have a design in place for development to be executed on, so we should seek that first (potentially for a phase 2).