WordPress / Learn

WordPress.org Learn - The canonical source for the code and content behind https://learn.WordPress.org
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Requests to paginated views of the homepage should redirect to the homepage #2480

Open jonoalderson opened 1 month ago

jonoalderson commented 1 month ago

URLs that request paginated views of the homepage, like https://learn.wordpress.org/page/4/ are publicly available but don't return a paginated state. This represents an SEO and analytics headache, which we should clean up.

All such requests should redirect to the homepage with a 301 HTTP status

bsanevans commented 1 month ago


jonathanbossenger commented 3 weeks ago

@adamwoodnz is this something we can fix now, or should we think about it for the redesign?

adamwoodnz commented 3 weeks ago

I think it can be fixed anytime, asap