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Feedback - redirect the getting started page to our getting started handbook page #2537

Open jonathanbossenger opened 3 weeks ago

jonathanbossenger commented 3 weeks ago

During @bsanevans WCEU talk, he directed folks to our getting started guide at https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started/.

However, we do have a getting started page on the training team site at https://make.wordpress.org/training/getting-started, which is one less section of URL to have to remember/take note of.

Ideally, we should probably redirect the https://make.wordpress.org/training/getting-started page to https://make.wordpress.org/training/handbook/getting-started

bsanevans commented 2 weeks ago

Just noting, there's also been an idea to turn the handbook onboarding program into a Sensei Course on Learn. If we go that route, then the onboarding would live on Learn, not the handbook.