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WordPress.org Learn - The canonical source for the code and content behind https://learn.WordPress.org
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Meeting Agenda JUNE 20, 2024 #2539

Open lada7042 opened 1 week ago

lada7042 commented 1 week ago

Training Team meetings start at 00:00 UTC weekly on Thursdays. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the meeting by commenting in Slack threads during the meeting and throughout the following days. Meeting notes will be published by the following Tuesday to also incorporate these asynchronous conversations.

This week’s meeting will be hosted by @bsanevans and @digitalchild .

1. News

1. Meeting Note Takers

2. Looking for feedback

3. Looking for volunteers

4. Updates from last week's dev-squad triage session

Attendees: @psykro (Jonathan) and @digitalchild (Jamie Madden)

Bugs triaged:

5. Other news

2. Come and Contribute

Content ready for review

Feedback awaiting validation

Topics awaiting vetting

Good first issues for developers

Validated feedback awaiting fix

3. Contribution Acknowledgement

4. Project updates

5. Faculty Updates

6. Open Discussions

If you have topics you’d like discussed in the meeting, please leave them as a comment on this issue.

You can see all meetings scheduled on this meeting calendar. If you are new to the Training Team, then come walk through our onboarding program to get to know the team and how we work. And if you have questions, feel free to reach out in the #training Slack channel at any time.

Piyopiyo-Kitsune commented 1 week ago

Please add Training Team 2024 Half Year Review to the agenda 😄

lada7042 commented 1 week ago

Cynthia won Kim Parsell Scholarship- the https://us.wordcamp.org/2024/announcing-the-2024-kim-parsell-memorial-scholarship-recipient-cynthia-norman/

kathrynwp commented 1 week ago


Props to all the contributors who created thumbnail graphics for the new Learn WordPress site during and following WCEU Contributor Day. Special shout-out to Sumit Singh, Ben Evans, and last but not least, Rico F. Lüthi, who even made some spiffy custom screenshots to use in the thumbnails. Well done, everyone!

Online Workshop

The thumbnail creation project could use more help – and guess what, it's actually fun to create these graphics that are used for courses, lessons, and tutorials on the new site. You can see examples of what the graphics look like in the Featured Courses and Courses sections on the new site, which can be previewed here. I've scheduled a "thumbnail-a-thon" online workshop on June 25 at 17 UTC to walk you through the process. (convert to your time zone) No graphic design skills needed, I'll show you everything you need to know. Join us!

Learner survey

The Training team first started discussing the idea of incorporating satisfaction surveys on the new Learn.WordPress.org site back in March, and I wanted to share the direction we're currently heading in. At the end of each course, we'd like to link to an anonymous learner satisfaction survey, with the main goal of measuring how satisfied people were with the course. We will aim to maintain a minimum average score of 4 out of 5 across all courses, where 5 is the most satisfied.

In the same survey, we'll solicit feedback on how the course can be improved, find out if people feel more confident in their skills now than before they took the course, and solicit optional testimonials for use in spreading the word about courses on Learn.WordPress.org.

Here's the draft survey.

We'll regularly assess the survey results and create a feedback loop with content creators to share both positive feedback, and where there are areas for improvement, following the team's established feedback processes.

Please share any feedback on the survey before July 3.

kathrynwp commented 1 week ago

Faculty program retirement

As there has been consensus around the proposal put forward two weeks ago to retire the Faculty program, we'll be moving ahead as discussed. I'll put together a plan of action on the steps needed to get this done.

kathrynwp commented 1 week ago

Project Update

Learn WordPress Remake

Posted an update here: https://make.wordpress.org/training/2023/07/07/project-thread-learning-pathways-on-learn-wordpress/#comment-4283

Zeelthakkar1207 commented 1 week ago

I am interested as a Meeting note taker for 4th July.

bsanevans commented 1 week ago

This meeting started here: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C02RW657Q/p1718842415767709