Tutorials currently have no custom template and are loaded using single.html, which means the video embed is not displayed.
We don't need to spend a lot of time implementing all the Tutorial functionality in the current theme as Tutorials are being deprecated, but the video embed needs to be there for anyone visiting using an old link.
We need to create a single-wporg_workshop.html template that builds on single.html and adds the video to the top, between the h1 and the content.
[x] Template with title, video, and columns layout for content and sidebar
Tutorials currently have no custom template and are loaded using single.html, which means the video embed is not displayed.
We don't need to spend a lot of time implementing all the Tutorial functionality in the current theme as Tutorials are being deprecated, but the video embed needs to be there for anyone visiting using an old link.
We need to create a single-wporg_workshop.html template that builds on single.html and adds the video to the top, between the h1 and the content.