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Custom Meta Boxes #2719

Open jonathanbossenger opened 1 month ago

ndiego commented 1 month ago

Lessons about post metadata are great, but I don't think a lesson on meta boxes is needed. Using meta boxes is being discouraged due to issues they cause with the iframed Editor and there are so many other better options these date. @ryanwelcher and I did a Developer Hours session on it here: https://youtu.be/OKDl_gB-IwY

jonathanbossenger commented 1 month ago

Oh, apologies if the title was misleading, I had planned to show the methods to display custom meta in the editor as per this handbook page: https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/metabox/

I've not gotten round to adding the relevant docs resources and such to the issue, but thanks for the developer hours link, I can refer to that as well during lesson creation.