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German translation for Lesson "Einführung in WordPress" / "Introduction to WordPress" #2742

Open rfluethi opened 1 month ago

rfluethi commented 1 month ago




rfluethi commented 1 month ago

This translation is ready for a review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ihdMgbuqtOfB9Ayot5EjAr0jxxAEAtId80vk8mnEO0/edit?usp=sharing

BenjaminZekavica commented 1 month ago

@rfluethi Thank you soo much for your contribution 🥳 The content looks good, but I added some content improvements as a copy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lxzv1qZr52BbF8Wef1VvD9Nd_fJNSPcDeyXHDqYy44I/edit?usp=sharing

@devmuhib009 I reviewed the translation. I added some content improvements inside the Google Doc. In this version it's approved :)

rfluethi commented 1 month ago

@BenjaminZekavica Thank you for the review

devmuhib009 commented 1 month ago

Hi @rfluethi Thanks for translating the content. I've just sent you an invitation from Learn WordPress website. Please accept the invitation and then we can proceed publishing the content.

devmuhib009 commented 1 month ago

Hi @rfluethi Thanks for your hard work, lesson has been published: https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson/de-introduction-to-wordpress-2/

rfluethi commented 1 month ago

I have noticed that this lesson has not yet been translated in the overview and therefore looks unfinished. Bildschirmfoto 2024-08-09 um 14 35 46

The thumbnail can be found at the following URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MGLWiG-T0OzNbdLDl2maMRaWmyJFd0fe/view?usp=drive_link

The excerpt text in German could read as follows: Tauche in die Grundlagen ein und entdecke, was auch Einsteigende mit WordPress erreichen können.

devmuhib009 commented 1 month ago

Just updated the thumbnail. Thanks

rfluethi commented 1 month ago

Wow, you're incredibly fast! Thank you so much.

What about the excerpt text? Can we change that as well, or would it be better to wait for the Sensei update?

rfluethi commented 4 weeks ago


github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @rfluethi, thanks for your interest in this issue!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them in our #training Slack channel.
Thank you for contributing!

devmuhib009 commented 4 weeks ago

We can add manually. Do you have the excerpt translation on doc file? Or you can add the translated excerpt here, I will update.

rfluethi commented 4 weeks ago


You can find the translated slides and spoken text at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1puvMl_q5PdxBjCK-SIRKDxQBNzoEuSZG1yMXCmW0uno/edit?usp=sharing

Sample Video

Sample-video-C-0-1-Introduction-to-WordPress.mp4 - Google Drive

The video was created using a synthetic voice. Once the script is approved, a person should record it with a bit more emotion.

rfluethi commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @BenjaminZekavica or anyone else, would you have time and be interested in reviewing the video? Do you know someone who could record the voiceover once the text is approved?

rfluethi commented 4 weeks ago

Dear @devmuhib009

We can add manually. Do you have the excerpt translation on doc file? Or you can add the translated excerpt here, I will update.

German excerpt text: Tauche in die Grundlagen ein und entdecke, was auch Einsteigende mit WordPress erreichen können.

BenjaminZekavica commented 3 weeks ago

@devmuhib009 @rfluethi I can review it today :)

Do you know someone who could record the voiceover once the text is approved? Unfortunately no, but maybe @devmuhib009 or somebody from the WordPress.tv have a experice about that?

rfluethi commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @BenjaminZekavica thank you for the intention for today's review. I would suggest you give it a few more days though. Because there are various suggestions for changes coming in and I would like to ask the local Slack groups for input. So you might have to do the work twice.

rfluethi commented 3 weeks ago

Video Version 02-01

Adaptations from the discussion of the first version: A detailed list of all changes is available in the above-mentioned Google document. Here are the most important changes that may require further discussion:

1. Video Format:

The video was produced in the standard format of 1920 x 1080 px. We did not find any compelling reasons to use 1872 x 1080 px.

2. Design Adjustments:

Fonts, colors, and background animation were adjusted based on the thumbnails from the Thumbnails Project to ensure a more consistent appearance.

3. Adjustment of the 'Oh She Glows' Page:

The 'Oh She Glows' page was replaced with 'Crack Magazine,' 'No Man’s Sky,' and 'Rolling Stone.' Since the food blog 'Minimalist Baker' is already mentioned in the video, the topic is sufficiently covered. This change is also intended to increase the visual tempo.

4. Change to the Video Ending:

Since the videos are meant to be used both as standalone lessons and within courses and learning paths, it is not ideal to refer to the lesson 'WordPress Essentials: Domains and Hosting.' An alternative ending has been created, which instead refers to the offerings of Learn WordPress.

If the new ending is used, the transcript will need to be adjusted accordingly. A possible text could be:

(English Version) Conclusion:
In summary, with WordPress, you can easily create and launch your own website. WordPress provides everything you need, whether you’re a beginner or a pro. In our learning paths, courses, lessons, and workshops on learn.wordpress.org, we guide you step by step on how to get started. The Learn WordPress team wishes you the best of luck!

(German Version) Fazit: Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass du mit WordPress ganz einfach deine eigene Website erstellen und online stellen kannst. WordPress bietet alles, was du benötigst, egal ob Anfänger oder Profi. In unseren Lernpfaden, Kursen, Lektionen und Workshops auf learn.wordpress.org zeigen wir dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du starten kannst. Viel Erfolg wünscht dir das Team von Learn WordPress!

rfluethi commented 3 weeks ago

Suggestion for improvement: 'Chapter 02 Learning Outcomes'

The slide feels overwhelming because there is a lot of text displayed while also a lot of spoken content is presented at the same time. Would it be possible to show the learning objectives one by one, each appearing in sync with the corresponding spoken sentence?

rfluethi commented 3 weeks ago

Suggestion for improvement: 'Chapter 09 Outro'

On the final slide, there should be a period between “Learn” and “WordPress.org” (Learn.WordPress.org) to accurately reflect the URL. In the spoken text, however, the Training Team should be mentioned.

English: We from the WordPress Training Team wish you every success and look forward to supporting you on your journey.

Deutsch: Wir vom Schulungs-Team von WordPress wünschen dir viel Erfolg und freuen uns darauf, dich auf deinem Weg zu begleiten.

westnz commented 2 weeks ago

Great work @rfluethi

I am very impressed with how you have transformed the English version into German.

Two observations:

  1. The continuous scrolling in some scenes causes visual strain, which can lead to discomfort or difficulty focusing on the content. I suggest significantly slowing down the scroll speed, or in some cases, you might consider using a static screenshot instead. Examples: 00:37 - 00:42 1:19 - 1:26 2:00 - 2:47 3:03 - 3:09 3:17 - 3:48 4:20 - 4:28

  2. 0:32, 0:37, and 0:59 - The transition to the following scenes should be slowed down and a pause inserted.

The video was created using a synthetic voice. Once the script is approved, a person should record it with a bit more emotion.

I was pleasantly surprised by the synthetic voice.

Vielen dank!

rfluethi commented 2 weeks ago

Video Version 02-02


westnz commented 2 weeks ago

Perfect ❤️ Excellent work, @rfluethi

BenjaminZekavica commented 2 weeks ago

@rfluethi Wow, amazing job — thank you! It’s approved. 🥳 The voice is clear and easy to understand for beginners 👍 The translation is perfect.

rfluethi commented 2 weeks ago

A big thank you to @westnz and @BenjaminZekavica!

In a discussion with @jonathanbossenger, he encouraged me to write an experience report. In it, you’ll also find my thoughts on why I don't entirely agree with your perspective. 🥳