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Course deprecation #2868

Open jonathanbossenger opened 2 weeks ago

jonathanbossenger commented 2 weeks ago

Some courses have become redundant or outdated with the initial learning pathways now published. To streamline our offerings and ensure we provide the most current content to our learners, @westnz and @jonathanbossenger want to deprecate the following courses and direct users to the relevant learning pathway.

jonathanbossenger commented 2 weeks ago

@adamwoodnz, what is the required process to redirect content on Learn.WordPress.org? Are we using a redirection plugin, or is this handled as 301 redirects on the server (.htaccess or similar)?

adamwoodnz commented 2 weeks ago

@adamwoodnz, what is the required process to redirect content on Learn.WordPress.org? Are we using a redirection plugin, or is this handled as 301 redirects on the server (.htaccess or similar)?

They are handled here

If you could detail which learning pathway the redirect should point to for each deprecation, someone can pick this up.

jonathanbossenger commented 1 week ago

Got it, thanks @adamwoodnz I can also create a PR if needed :grin:

@westnz could you please add the learning pathways you want to redirect your courses to?


westnz commented 1 week ago

Thank you, both.

I would like the courses to redirect to this URL: https://learn.wordpress.org/learning-pathway/user/

jonathanbossenger commented 1 week ago

Noting the redirections here, I'll do my best to create a PR later this week:

https://learn.wordpress.org/course/simple-site-design-with-full-site-editing/ https://learn.wordpress.org/learning-pathway/user/
https://learn.wordpress.org/course/part-2-personalized-site-design-with-full-site-editing-and-theme-blocks/ https://learn.wordpress.org/learning-pathway/user/
https://learn.wordpress.org/course/part-3-advanced-site-design-with-full-site-editing-site-editor-templates-and-template-parts/ https://learn.wordpress.org/learning-pathway/user/
https://learn.wordpress.org/course/developing-with-the-wordpress-rest-api/ https://learn.wordpress.org/course/beginner-wordpress-developer/
https://learn.wordpress.org/course/converting-a-shortcode-to-a-block/ https://learn.wordpress.org/course/beginner-wordpress-developer/
https://learn.wordpress.org/course/a-developers-guide-to-block-themes-part-1/ https://learn.wordpress.org/course/intermediate-theme-developer/
https://learn.wordpress.org/course/a-developers-guide-to-block-themes-part-2/ https://learn.wordpress.org/course/intermediate-theme-developer/
jonathanbossenger commented 3 days ago

PR has been created.