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About / Help page bug scrub towards 5.9 #15

Open abhansnuk opened 2 years ago

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

To participate/ update on a ticket, join the scrub in the Core slack channel for Make WordPress.

Tickets https://core.trac.wordpress.org/component/Help%2FAbout

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago


nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

New ticket for the About Page for 5.9 is available at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/54270

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Sharing the 25 October bug scrub:

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

The bug scrub for today will now be at 20:00 UTC today in the core channel. It will focus on items expected for 5.9.

For all those following along and learning about bug scrubs from the Marketing Team, the tickets the scrub will go through are at the top of the page in the 'slated for next release' section. The link to follow along

UPDATE: you can join or read today's discussion from this link on the Make WordPress Slack/ core channel:

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

Attended the design meeting bug scrub on 5.9 features and About page at 15:00 UTC.

Next bug scrubs in core about the About / Help page component will be on the following dates. We will also start to follow-up tickets slated for 5.9 on the [Editor/ quick build edit component.](: https://make.wordpress.org/core/components/editor/quick-bulk-edit/)

2021/11/15 Link to the discussion on the About Page in the Make WordPress Core Slack 15 November 2021

22 November 2021

29 November 2021

6 December 2021

Further dates to be confirmed and added to this document and to the main Bug Scrub page on core.

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

2022/1/3 About Page finalization and discussion in the Core Slack

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

Follow-ups on the About Page and related release marcomms The following information has been shared as a comment on the dev chat agenda for 5 January 2022.

The next collaboration meetings are proposed for:

Wednesday 5 January 2022 14:15 UTC: in the Marketing Slack channel focusing on social media 16:00 UTC: review session of content to date

Thursday 6 or 14 January 2022 A later UTC time has been requested, to be held in the Marketing Slack channel – times to be confirmed on 5 January

Monday 10 January 2022 20:30 UTC: in the Core Slack channel focusing on marketing messages about FSE in 5.9

Wednesday 13 January 2022 15:00 UTC (time tbc) in the Marketing Slack channel focusing on finalizing social media amplification pack for publication

Links to the discussions on the About Page and communications in core can be found on the [Trac ticket](Ticket 54270) or to help those new to releases and those shadowing from Marketing, they are also being added to this Marketing GitHub card.

Summaries from the collaboration discussions for the social media amplification pack for 5.9 being added to this marketing blog post. NB: as this link has been highlighted in core and dev chat, to encourage involvement by developers / extenders, summaries from each collaboration will be added to the same post.