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2022/11/09 Global Marketing Team meeting and weekly planning #122

Closed abhansnuk closed 1 year ago

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

All things related to this meeting and any collaborations during the week, including:

Useful links:

murillol commented 1 year ago

Note-taker: @robinwpdeveloper

robinwpdeveloper commented 1 year ago

Thanks @murillol . I will take notes for this meeting (2022/11/09)

nalininsbs commented 1 year ago

Creating a list of cards to include in for check-in:

murillol commented 1 year ago

Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jbZVcNs4Fkmy884kPtTfvw98D5SCvGZp8D8aq8W1eVA/edit#

eidolonnight commented 1 year ago

Agenda: https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/wp-admin/post.php?post=10298&action=edit

nalininsbs commented 1 year ago

Start of the meeting on Slack

robinwpdeveloper commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay. Here is the script

Work in progress. Hopefully it will be ready for review within 24 hours.

robinwpdeveloper commented 1 year ago

Here is the P2 draft post preview. @nalininsbs can you please review the note.

nalininsbs commented 1 year ago

Hello @robinwpdeveloper thank you for working on the draft. In the main, the significant updates from the threads need to be incorporated rather than listing the question from the meeting, eg checking the status. I have removed the bold from user names and updated formatting in a couple of locations. Back to you for the threads items. I have not checked the slack threads. Can you please check these in preview.

Thanks Robin.

Note to remind team reps/ notetaker:

nalininsbs commented 1 year ago

Hello @robinwpdeveloper how are you getting on with the notes? I have added excerpt and tags. Once you have made the other changes and checked Slack links, please publish and post on this card the link to it for today's meeting. Please also can you mention Larissa and I so we can add it to the agenda. Thank you.

robinwpdeveloper commented 1 year ago

Hi @nalininsbs Extremely sorry that I couldn't make it due to some personal urgent tasks. Thanks for your help on publishing the note.

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

Contributors to the notes: @nalininsbs , @abhansnuk , @robinwpdeveloper. Link to published notes https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/2022/11/16/notes-global-marketing-team-meeting-november-9-2022/