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People of WordPress - Daniel K #156

Closed abhansnuk closed 6 months ago

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

Published January 31, 2023: https://wordpress.org/news/2023/01/people-of-wordpress-daniel-kossmann/

Migrating from the PofWP board.

Person to be featured: Daniel Kossmann

Continents: South America/ Brazil

HeroPress original story for partial source material upto 2021: link

Google doc: [[link removed as published and to prevent further changes via general Internet users]] Please only add comments in suggestion mode.

Photos: 1 from original story. Two to three additional images needed.

Provisional date: January 2023. Potentially brought forward. 2022/12/28 discussion with contributors allocated.

murillol commented 1 year ago


abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

I will look at it this coming week. Do you want me to follow up with Daniel?

murillol commented 1 year ago

Yes please @abhansnuk as he still has not replied to me (and probably not seen the Slack message)

robinwpdeveloper commented 1 year ago

I mistakenly clicked the close button from project view issue viewer modal. Reopened again.

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

Follow up contact has been successful now with Daniel via message sent by Twitter by @abhansnuk. Discussion resumed on Slack with @abhansnuk @meherbala and @murillol on interview abs updating.

He is looking for pictures and will liaise with @meherbala on these for editing and checking.

Additional questions resent. New quotes to be added, and links. Some parts of the journey to be reduced to enable newer information and specific quotes.

25 Jan @marybaum 25 Jan, then onto review of updated piece to date to Chloe.

This is now for publishing on January 31, 2023, swapped in discussion with original schedule.

Post publication in English: Portuguese translations follow-ups / check if locale has a news page. To discuss further with Daniel - Larissa to lead.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

(Sorry clicked Close in error)

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

I could not find this card yesterday, so adding the updates now.

Published link: https://wordpress.org/news/2023/01/people-of-wordpress-daniel-kossmann/

To do:

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

Moving this card to the done column, Please do not close it until we have the translation link to add to the post.

The social media post has been requested so that Daniel can also translate this to be used for the locale.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

@abhansnuk is the translation link available yet? thank you!

nalininsbs commented 1 year ago

Follow up sent on translation.

nalininsbs commented 10 months ago

@abhansnuk or @murillol can you follow up with Daniel on translation link. Last message he was translating this. Thank you.

kossmann commented 7 months ago

Hi! Here is the translation link: https://br.wordpress.org/2024/01/24/pessoas-do-wordpress-daniel-kossmann/ Is there anything I can do to help with next steps?

nalininsbs commented 6 months ago

Thank you @kossmann and to Guga Alves, Pamela Ribeiro and Ramon Ahnert for the translation onto Brazilian Portuguese. This has been added to the original feature.

Do you think that where we put translations into the original English language features, it would be useful to add text referring to the translation in the translated language too? We have been discussing how best to add translations for a long time. It would be useful to have your insight. As the story is in the news section for the language may be enough. We can ask again in marketing and polyglots too. Thank you for previously highlighting the importance of translating these features.

nalininsbs commented 6 months ago

I will close this card as specific translation is complete.

@eidolonnight could we use discussion area now in GitHub to look at how to add translations as this is a general item? Thank you for input.