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Update Marketing Handbooks "Get Involved" pages to improve contribution process for Marketing contributors #169

Open sereedmedia opened 1 year ago

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

The various Make team handbooks across the WordPress project take a varied approach to onboarding new contributors. Additionally, onboarding is being discussed at a higher level in this conversation on Five for the Future contribution journeys.

Rather than start with the bigger picture of project onboarding, how can we improve the existing contributor onboarding process for the Marketing team?

The current Marketing team onboarding docs start here, with subsequent subpages: https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/handbook/getting-involved/

The current outline is: Get Involved

  1. New Contributor Training
  2. Coffee Breaks
  3. Communication
  4. What are our tasks?
  5. Getting Started on a Task
  6. Creating Meeting Notes
  7. Marketing Team at Contributor events
  8. Team Reps

To review and refine this process we need to:

After we conclude this process for Marketing (or in conjunction with any existing efforts happening), we can look at collaborating with other teams to create general/generic onboarding documents for new contributors (specifically in terms of using the WordPress tools, understand process, meetings, chats, etc.). Those docs could possibly be part of the Contributor Handbook in the future.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

New contributor Francisco Opazo recently commented on this issue in the Marketing channel here: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C0GKJ7TFA/p1674723488166949

He asked the following questions:

Some of the answers to these questions are being addressed/developed in other discussions/issues, but they can be relevant in terms of getting that information in a palatable format for new contribs.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

For reference, a previous GH issue seeking feedback to revise the Marketing handbook was here: https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/issues/47 In it @eidolonnight asked some good questions to consider when reviewing Handbook content (or documentation generally):

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

I am preserving some comments from @nalininsbs in a now-closed ticket here: https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/issues/98#issuecomment-1208623888

The original question was why the following information in the meeting (which it no longer is). I feel, however that this would be a useful list/resource (updated as needed), to include in the marketing handbook.

Can we please add a sentence about the context of the people mentioned to help people coming new to the team and whether we are asking people to contact them or do anything. I have also standardized the references to teams in the list and amended those which are groups. Could we review this and then use this list in future? Thank you @eidolonnight and @murillol . Do we need to include them in the notes each week or are they now static and could be in the handbook?

WordPress Features/Release (#WordPress) - @Lauren and @Dan Soschin working with those working on the Release Ad hoc updates from WordPress.org/news - @Brett McSherry Learn WordPress (#LearnWP) - @Dan Soschin along with the Training team WP Diversity (#WPDiversity) - @Santana.Inniss along with @jillbinder and the WP Diversity working group in the Community Team Openverse (#WPOpenverse) - @Reyes Martínez along with the Openverse team Photo Directory (#WPPhotos) - @Reyes Martínez along with the Photo team Grow Your Story (#GrowYourStoryWP) - @jpantani along with the Design team WP Briefing podcast (#WPBriefing) - @Santana.Inniss (((Is this with anyone/ any team?))) WordCamp (#WordCamp) - @Brett McSherry (((Is this with the Community team?)))

nalininsbs commented 1 year ago

These will be useful references for what the Training Team is doing in the area of onboarding. They were shared at today's Training Team meeting. https://make.wordpress.org/training/2022/11/26/project-thread-training-team-onboarding-paths/ https://make.wordpress.org/training/2022/10/21/proposal-create-a-new-onboarding-experience-to-the-training-team/

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

this was incorrectly marked as completed.

santanainniss commented 1 year ago

@jennimckinnon are you here?! :)

jennimckinnon commented 1 year ago

@santanainniss I sure am! I'm thrilled to be able to help with this one.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

Updated "Getting Started with our Tasks" to include current tools and content.