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Help develop topics and create marketing content for Make WordPress Developer Blog #171

Open sereedmedia opened 1 year ago

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

There is a new beta-version Developer Blog on wordpress.org: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/

The team(s) heading up the Developer Blog have issued a call for topic ideas and for writers for existing topics: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2023/01/12/can-you-help-with-topics-for-the-wordpress-developer-blog/

Marketing contributors can help by providing ideas for new article content, researching and developing the topics already suggested but not yet drafted, and volunteer to be involved in writing a post.

Marketing contributors can also come up with marketing content for both existing and potential Developer Blog content, including social post content, hashtags, tags/mentions, promotional graphic ideas, and any related calls to action and their respective links.

Here is a link to the Developer Blog content board: https://github.com/orgs/WordPress/projects/44/views/1

For the time being, any new ideas for the blog or marketing content created to promote the blog can be included or linked in this issue, and will be shared with the Developer Blog team.

cc: @abhansnuk