WordPress / Marketing-Team

The central repository for the WordPress Marketing Team
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Review and provide feedback on Training Team onboarding program and feedback survey #183

Open sereedmedia opened 1 year ago

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

Ben Evans from the Training Team notified Marketing in Slack about a new onboarding program for Training Team contributors: https://make.wordpress.org/training/2023/02/10/training-teams-new-onboarding-program-is-now-live/

The Training Team has also drafted a survey/feedback form for folks who have gone through the program.

Marketing team members are requested to assist the Training Team by:

mehrazmorshed commented 1 year ago

feedback submitted

bsanevans commented 8 months ago

Thank you for creating this issue, and for the feedback!

The onboarding program has matured a bit now, and we direct folks to provide feedback to the team directly in Slack. The feedback form has served its purpose, so we can close this issue now 🙂 (CC: @sereedmedia )