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Add ideas to the WP Campaigns Social Content Brainstorm doc #191

Closed sereedmedia closed 4 months ago

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

At WCUS 2022, the marketing team began a Social Content brainstorm doc where contributors could note ideas that they have for social content for existing WordPress marketing campaigns.

WordPress Campaigns

Brainstorm here:


For each idea you have, please include:

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

Here are some additional past brainstorm docs:

--> I think it would be amazing if folks were able to synthesize any ideas from these docs that relate to the hashtag campaigns into the new Social Content Brainstorm spreadsheet. I've added a column to indicate if the idea came from another source and any relevant notes/links, so that can be noted where applicable.

Note: #WordPress can be used to categorize more general campaigns.

sereedmedia commented 4 months ago

I have bookmarked these docs on the Make Marketing Team Slack canvas: https://wordpress.slack.com/canvas/C0GKJ7TFA

I am closing this issue as it is only a placeholder for those docs and a way for folks at contributor days to contribute their ideas/see what has been suggested.