WordPress / Marketing-Team

The central repository for the WordPress Marketing Team
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Start Here! New Marketing Team Contributor Issue for WordCamp Europe Contributor Day - 08 June, 2023 #225

Closed sereedmedia closed 11 months ago

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

Hello and welcome to Contributor Day for WCEU 2023!

Thank you for being here and contributing to the Make WP Marketing Team!

Getting Setup

If you're here, that means you're already setup on GitHub. Great! In addition to talking with Marketing team members on-site at Contributor Day, you can ask questions or comment on this issue. The Marketing Team Reps will be monitoring it throughout the day. Also, be sure to sign in to the Marketing channel on Slack.

The Marketing Team manages its projects and operations on GitHub:

You can view the GitHub issues and discussions without a GitHub account. If you’d like to comment on an issue, you will need to sign up for a GitHub account. Note: Sometimes contributing just looks like providing your input and opinions. Feedback is useful and valuable when working publicly!

When you're ready, start here ⬇️

Getting started tasks

Good first issues to work on during Contributor Day

Looking for more areas or tasks to contribute?

Wrapping up

Before finishing Contributor Day, please take a few minutes to:

goodplansam commented 1 year ago

Hey @sereedmedia glad help on the day!

rmartinezduque commented 1 year ago

Thanks, @goodplansam! I was now able to add you to the GitHub issue :)

TheCraigHewitt commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, Craig here from Castos. Stoked to contribute to the Marketing team for the first time. Here at my 2nd WCEU but first time contributing.

nikolapuciriusa commented 1 year ago

Hey everyone, I'm Nikola from Indystack. This is my first time participating in WordCamp and contributing.

elenafromnitropack commented 1 year ago

Hey fellow Marketers - let's rock it today! I am Elena from NitroPack and am passionate about everything marketing-related - campaigns, socials and growth are my main domains.

Excited to collaborate together!

AlisonRothwell commented 1 year ago

Heyyy I'm here and getting started!

mrstrande commented 1 year ago

Hey all, please to be here!

I'm the owner of Webnorth with main office in Denmark.

We are 20 full-time people spread across 7 countries and we are very dedicated to make custom solutions in WordPress. I'm new to the marketing team, but areas of expertise would be mainly building bridge between businesses and technical solutions. Most interesting in pushing the agenda for making enterprise solutions in WordPress and make sure that WordPress is seen as a valid competitor to any CMS or webshop system. I speak and write Danish and English.


minalagarwal85 commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone!

I am Minal from Bluehost. I have attended a few WordCamps but this is my first time contributing. I am passionate about everything marketing, currently managing content, social, events for Bluehost.

Super excited to collaborate!

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

@mrstrande you might be interested in: https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/discussions/244

nikolapuciriusa commented 1 year ago

I contributed some social posts for the WordPress Photo Directory [https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/issues/239] regarding contributing photos from WCEU Contributors Day, the milestone for when there are 8000 photos contributed and sharing the stories behind the images, which you will find in the drafts [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D38LhF_tmWjZEUZjnztYFk1zFEBH4fqJFsRDLRlgaAM/edit#gid=0].

lorenzobartoli6992 commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone, i'm Lorenzo from ComCart! I've contribute to the Marketing team, it was SUPER! It's my first time contributing!

JABBARI-M commented 1 year ago

Glad to participate with the lovely marketing team. Initiated and encouraged to contribute and share knowledge. Lot of Thanks to the team.

sereedmedia commented 11 months ago

Hi all! Thank you for being a part of WCEU Contributor Day! We hope you can join the Make WP Marketing Slack channel and keep contributing!