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Celebrating Pride Month and WordPress Diversity #240

Closed rmartinezduque closed 10 months ago

rmartinezduque commented 1 year ago

In June, Pride Month celebrates and commemorates the LGBTQIA+ communities. Marketing can help mark this month with different initiatives and opportunities to show WordPress' support and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I).

Here are some ideas we can discuss and work on during Contributor Day at WordCamp Europe 2023:

Do you have others? Feel free to share them.

jpantani commented 1 year ago

In love with this idea @rmartinezduque ! Thank you

TheCraigHewitt commented 1 year ago

I grabbed a few image examples from the Openverse that we could use:

Would love some feedback on whether these are aligned with the goals of the issue item:

Check if there are any Pride-related sources or collections in the Openverse catalog that we can highlight and use as part of the #WPOpenverse social media campaign. Here's an example of a social post that we did to highlight the collection of images from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

If so, I would propose the next step could be to create a Google Sheet to compile a larger list of images to share on social along with writing out the text aspects of the posts that associate each image. I'm happy to continue on that path if everyone agrees.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

@TheCraigHewitt yes please do so. if you do, please make the doc public and share the link here! thanks!

lorenzobartoli6992 commented 1 year ago

I want to report some italians site of a LGBTQ+ associations.

https://www.arcigay.rimini.it/ https://www.cassero.it/ https://www.romapride.it/ https://www.milanopride.it/it/

Those are a Wordpress site focused on blogging news about future of lgbtq+ rights in Italy. Because in Italy there is a really strong opposition about lgbtq+ rights, clubs and associations needs internet to try to change things.

TheCraigHewitt commented 1 year ago

Welcome any feedback on this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tF6pmCLOvyAz8ppcgSemqVqsyvQr-rlZFHzOF461AvY/edit?usp=sharing

lorenzobartoli6992 commented 1 year ago

Good Job @TheCraigHewitt

rmartinezduque commented 1 year ago

I just opened this Google doc so we can gather some stories/testimonials from community members: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QvvYJ0zG2T1B1NV4VGp7G-3hd3DtfLR-R24d5o13mZs/edit.

courtneyr-dev commented 1 year ago

Noting Michelle Freschette has started lgbtqpress.com.

smokejumper123 commented 1 year ago


I just opened this Google doc so we can gather some stories/testimonials from community members: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QvvYJ0zG2T1B1NV4VGp7G-3hd3DtfLR-R24d5o13mZs/edit.

@rmartinezduque I added a few of my thoughts/ideas to your document. Hope they help!

rmartinezduque commented 1 year ago

That's great. Thank you, @smokejumper123!

rmartinezduque commented 10 months ago

I am closing this issue as there has been no further activity since WCEU due to other priorities. We can always refer to this and/or use the testimonials collected in future issues if we want to run a campaign for this year's Pride Month (or another with similar goals of celebrating and promoting WordPress diversity).