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Creating CONTRIBUTING.MD files across WordPress repos #263

Open courtneyr-dev opened 11 months ago

courtneyr-dev commented 11 months ago


πŸ“ GitHub Issue: Advocating for CONTRIBUTING.MD Files in WordPress Repositories 🌟

πŸ“‹ Issue Summary

Let's implement CONTRIBUTING.MD files across all GitHub repositories within the WordPress organization. These files will serve as valuable resources for contributors, outlining guidelines and instructions for effective and inclusive contributions.


CONTRIBUTING.MD files play a crucial role in open-source projects, and their inclusion in WordPress repositories can yield numerous benefits:

Clarity and Guidance: CONTRIBUTING.MD files provide clear and concise guidelines on how to contribute to a specific project, reducing confusion and barriers for potential contributors.

Streamlined Onboarding: With comprehensive instructions on setup, code formatting, and testing, new contributors can quickly become productive members of the community.

Inclusivity and Diversity: By explicitly outlining inclusive behaviors and welcoming contributions from diverse backgrounds, we promote an open and supportive environment.

Community Empowerment: Empowering contributors with the knowledge of how to effectively engage in the project fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Sustainable Growth: By facilitating contributions and maintaining a positive experience, the WordPress community will grow and thrive sustainably.

🌐 Inspiration from Mozilla Science

The Mozilla Science Lab's "Working Open Workshop" provides a comprehensive guide on creating CONTRIBUTING.MD files, emphasizing the importance of community collaboration and inclusive practices (source: Mozilla Science Lab).

πŸ“Œ Proposed Steps

To implement this initiative successfully, we can follow these steps:

Assessment: Conduct a thorough review of existing repositories within the WordPress organization to identify those lacking CONTRIBUTING.MD files.

Template Creation: Collaborate with experienced contributors to create a standard CONTRIBUTING.MD template that addresses the unique needs of WordPress projects.

Documentation Integration: Integrate the CONTRIBUTING.MD template into the WordPress documentation, ensuring it's easily accessible to all contributors.

Community Awareness: Launch a community-wide campaign to inform contributors about the importance of CONTRIBUTING.MD files and encourage their active adoption.

Feedback Mechanism: Create a feedback loop to collect input from contributors and iterate on the CONTRIBUTING.MD template, making it more effective over time.

Cultural Sensitivity: Different cultural backgrounds may influence how contributors interpret and respond to guidelines. Ensuring inclusivity requires sensitivity to diverse perspectives.

Accessibility: We must consider the accessibility of the CONTRIBUTING.MD files themselves, ensuring they are easily readable and understandable for contributors of varying abilities.

Documentation Maintenance: Regularly updating and maintaining CONTRIBUTING.MD files is crucial to their effectiveness. We should allocate resources to ensure the documentation remains relevant.

Before implementation, further research and discussions within the WordPress community are essential to address these potential challenges and optimize the adoption of CONTRIBUTING.MD files.

Let's work together to create an environment where contributors can thrive and where WordPress continues to grow as a collaborative force in the open-source world! 🌱🀝