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Usability review of the WordPress Mobile App #285

Open Greennc opened 10 months ago

Greennc commented 10 months ago

This ticket is a space to document the usability of the WordPress Mobile App.

smokejumper123 commented 10 months ago

In attempting to check documentation and workflow on the WP iOS app, I ran into a number of usability issues:

1) Based on this prompt I expect to be able to create a new site in this app. IMG_3107

2) I am offered two options to add a site to the app. IMG_3108

3) When clicking on create a new site, very odd to be x-promoted to another app. (Normally as I user I would abandon at this point. I was expecting to be able to create a site. I was not able to. And now am expected to download another 3rd party app). IMG_3109

4) I download the JetPack app and create a basic travel blog site (bhon.travel.blog). IMG_3110

5) Once I close out the preview of the new site, I'm taken to JetPack's site admin menu. At this point, I see no reason to return to WP app. IMG_3111

6) I return to the WP app and the screen I viewed previously about adding a site. IMG_3113

7) Upon clicking on a self-hosted site, which is what I believed I just created, and adding my site URL bhon.travel.blog, I received the following error messages. The two below are from two different attempts to access my site created on JetPack app via the WP app. IMG_3115 IMG_3106

8) At this point, there appears to be no way back to the happy path. If left to my own devices I would have abandoned my attempt to use the WP app, either when it suggested I download a 3rd party app or once I was not able to add my site in order to manage it with the app.