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Develop Contributor Onboarding flow from /contribute #290

Open sereedmedia opened 10 months ago

sereedmedia commented 10 months ago


Create an onboarding flow for new contributors to the Make WordPress community/organization.






Whether someone is coming from the Dashboard of their WordPress website, WordPress.org, make.WordPress.org, or a referring website or search, this flow will provide a landing page and subsequent onboarding path that will help them reach the end goal of becoming a new contributor to WordPress.org.

Ideally each step in the flow would be tracked as an Event, and as such be measurable.

The main conversion point is an “easy first contribution,” which allows the new contributor to somewhat quickly receive a contribution badge. Submitting a photo to the Photos Directory will provide one option. We will need to find an additional “easy” option for those unable to submit a photo, and will need to consult with the Accessibility team for this.

After the first contribution flow, providing additional next steps include:

  1. LearnWP landing page for contribution (courses, info)
  2. Make Team Handbook’s Get Involved sections
sereedmedia commented 8 months ago

We have created and published the Join page https://make.wordpress.org/contribute/join/

This is the SECOND page in the Contributor Onboarding Flow.

  1. Contribute - Find the team that aligns with your interests - PUBLISHED
  2. Join - signup for your WordPress.org and Slack accounts - PUBLISHED
  3. Learn - links to LearnWP for contribution courses, info, etc.
  4. Participate - "How to Contribute" generally and Make Team Handbook’s Get Involved sections (same as Make home page?)
sereedmedia commented 7 months ago

Flagging this page as a place that needs a CTA directing to the flow, preferably the Contribute page.


naokomc commented 7 months ago

@sereedmedia It's a good idea to add a link to the Contribute page. For now, I edited the page to say:

If you’re new to WordPress and need help getting started, use our interactive questionnaire to figure out where to get started!

(I borrowed some text from the Contribute page)

cc: @harishankerr