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Modify the text on #5ftF as an individual contributor's role has changed. #317

Open courtneyr-dev opened 7 months ago

courtneyr-dev commented 7 months ago


@ipstenu 's employer has changed and this should be updated: https://wordpress.org/five-for-the-future/

Ipstenu commented 7 months ago

@courtneyr-dev I'm also not doing plugins anymore so ... perhaps someone else should be the new example?

naokomc commented 7 months ago

The front page contributor section can only feature one person at the moment. With gratitude to @Ipstenu for letting us feature you for 4+ years on the 5ftF front page, it'd be good to highlight other 5ftF contributors.

How about @harishankerr and I contact companies that have been consistently involved for 3-4 years, and have them write a colleague testimony + featured contributor profile? If we have multiple entries, we can even swap them from time to time (manually for now...), and have one page to include them all.

abhansnuk commented 7 months ago

This sounds like a great way forward and the marketing team could perhaps help be involved in finishing the text.

abhansnuk commented 7 months ago

Suggest for the what is now general update of this section of the site, a new ticket could be created as it goes forward and shared in marketing team meetings.

naokomc commented 5 months ago

Based on the criteria below, we put together a list of contributors to ask for a testimonial.


Hari and I will reach out to these contributors to ask for a statement from their company leadership & their contribution brief, using the existing Case Study front page section format.

Leadership statement 50-70 words Name and title

Contribution brief 40-50 words Profile photo, if different from Gravatar

Once we receive the text from contributors, it'd be great if Makreting Team can help with reviewing them 🙏

@abhansnuk I hope it's okay that I am using this issue to discuss this particular section, but let me know if a new ticket is necessary!

naokomc commented 5 months ago

Request for review:

I have one entry ready to be published once the Marketing Team gives us the go-ahead. Please review the text in this doc. Thank you so much for your help! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HRRKrnS3DBmA2ROjXZ-zrGVZ_id9v7ARiBw-D-4m-tk/edit#heading=h.jsbgln9zbwa5

angelasjin commented 5 months ago

I suggested some light edits, feel free to accept or reject as you see fit. Excited to see this updated, thank you all very much!

eidolonnight commented 5 months ago

I've jumped in with some edits. Just to be sure, this copy replaces the section in this screenshot?

CleanShot 2024-01-22 at 10 46 08@2x

naokomc commented 5 months ago

Thank you @angelasjin @eidolonnight ! Yes, Nicholas, that's the section we are updating. Pooja's Case Study is now published.

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 17 32 55

I will add a new case study in a month or so.

naokomc commented 4 months ago

@eidolonnight (or anyone else on the @WordPress/marketing team)

I have a new case study ready for review. Could you take a look? Thanks! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HRRKrnS3DBmA2ROjXZ-zrGVZ_id9v7ARiBw-D-4m-tk/edit#heading=h.j8ny1vqwz4mh

After review, I will publish this version after February 26th.

rmartinezduque commented 4 months ago

I offered some minor suggestions, @naokomc. Is it ok to suggest some improvements to enhance the clarity of the leadership statement/testimonial?

naokomc commented 4 months ago

I've accepted all suggestions made by @rmartinezduque, @abhansnuk, and @ardianimaya. Thank you all!

Reyes - yes, additional suggestions to improve are welcome.

rmartinezduque commented 4 months ago

Thanks, @naokomc. I left another suggestion to reword a bit the testimonial for better readability and flow. Feel free to accept or reject as you see fit.

naokomc commented 4 months ago

@rmartinezduque, your edits look great! I can publish Nadia's case study next week on Feb 28th.

@zzap shared her version, and it's ready for a review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HRRKrnS3DBmA2ROjXZ-zrGVZ_id9v7ARiBw-D-4m-tk/edit#heading=h.d9v4e5utgi9s

rmartinezduque commented 4 months ago

Sounds great, @naokomc! I left a few minor suggestions for consideration in Milana's copy.

harishankerr commented 2 months ago

We didn't publish Nadia's case study earlier, it is now published (as on April 22nd). We will publish Milana's profile in May. Big thanks to @rmartinezduque, @abhansnuk, @naokomc and @ardianimaya for their help!

naokomc commented 2 months ago

@rmartinezduque I added another profile text. There is no hurry but it would be great if you could take a look.

thetinyl commented 1 month ago

@naokomc I made a few suggestions for edits on Francesca's profile. Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can help with!

naokomc commented 1 month ago

Wonderful! I've updated the post with most of your suggestions and will talk with the contributors and get back to the rest. I appreciate it a lot, @thetinyl!

harishankerr commented 1 month ago

Update: We have published Milana Cap's case study as of today (June 4th). Let's have this case-study on the site for June, and add a new one in July. Milana Cap

Big thanks to @rmartinezduque , @naokomc , and @zzap for their help!

harishankerr commented 1 month ago

Update Thanks to @naokomc's outreach efforts, we have a new case study from @carolinan for review. It has been added to our shared document. Can I have someone review this please? @rmartinezduque @thetinyl

abhansnuk commented 1 month ago

@harishankerr so pleased to see that Caroline is being featured as she is inspirational. I have added some suggestions in a review.

On another note, are you still looking for suggestions for people to feature for this? Thanks

Update Thanks to @naokomc's outreach efforts, we have a new case study from @carolinan for review. It has been added to our shared document. Can I have someone review this please? @rmartinezduque @thetinyl