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Create issue template to Amplify a minor release #333

Closed peterwilsoncc closed 4 months ago

peterwilsoncc commented 6 months ago


WordPress minor releases are often released without any public notice as they are scheduled by the security team and it would be terribly unwise to post about security issues before they are fixed.

It would be good to create an AMPLIFY issue template in this repository for the announcement of releases with a reduced set of fields than the standard AMPLIFY template:

eidolonnight commented 4 months ago

@peterwilsoncc is the current Request for Amplification issue template insufficient or difficult to use for this purpose?

eidolonnight commented 4 months ago

After discussing with @peterwilsoncc there appears to be a need for an issue template that would allow for an expedited process for sharing security and maintenance releases across social platforms. This essentially replaces functionality formerly available via Jetpack sharing on WordPress.org News.

Posts submitted through this form should not require copywriting and can simply follow this previously used format:

Release Announcement: WordPress X.Y.Z is now available. This is a security|maintainence release, and #WordPress recommends updating all environments to this latest version. More information here: LINK

Submitted issues will be assigned to @bjmcsherry to queue in Sprout. They will be posted to Twitter/X, Facebook, and Linkedin.

On release types:

I will follow up shortly with a v1 issue template.