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Captions for video 'How to contribute to core' #34

Open abhansnuk opened 2 years ago

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

Video on WordPress Marketing Team YouTube. Currently unlisted, awaiting subtitles and links to resources on core. Used for WCEU.

Check with Paul and Chris C if it can be used for Learn WP or if there is a newer version that could be used there. If so, it needs to be submitted to WPTV, and then linked from Learn WP.

If there is a newer version to go on WPTV and once submitted:

murillol commented 2 years ago

@abhansnuk is the deliverable here an .srt file?

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

@vimes1984 @abhansnuk - from your notes it seems there may be a newer version of this video with subtitles on Learn WP. Does it have a transcript that could be added and adapted to the video on YouTube? Abha your notes mention updating the link on the WCEU contributing area once the Learn WP is published, and deleting the YouTube video if no longer needed.

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

@azhiya do you have an updated version of this now on Learn WordPress? Thanks

cc. @marybaum for reference with core getting started materials. Once there is a version on Learn WordPress, can this be added to the Core Handbook please. Hopefully this can be made available with captions on one of the platforms by WCEU 2022.

NB: the video on the Marketing Team YouTube is linked from the WordCamp Europe contributor resources section. If it is to be replaced by a version on Learn WordPress, an updated link needs to be added on the WCEU 2021 website. The resource on WCEU is being used as a master to update for Learn WordPress and the contributing handbook.

There are useful cross-links from this video (in either its YouTube or Learn WP location) to materials now available on Learn WordPress.

azhiya commented 2 years ago

Is this for setting up a .org and Slack account or just for contributing to Core. If it is the former, there are a number of video workshops in different languages and a lesson plan. If it is the latter, there are no video workshops and lesson plans specifically related to Core. We do have a few lesson plans and workshops for other teams or functions.

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

This was for the video that was specific to contributing to core. It was created as a version for WCEU 2021 as the version requested for Learn WordPress would not be ready by then. It may be that there is an updated version now on Learn WordPress, if so then this could be deleted, and the link on the WCEU 2021 contributor resource updated to the latest version on Learn WordPress. Thanks @azhiya.

sereedmedia commented 1 year ago

I am not seeing any core contribution-specific video on Learn in this tutorial search: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorials/?series=&topic=23&language=&captions=&wp_version= Perhaps it is somewhere else?

If not, should we consider using this video again for WCAsia? Is it still up-to-date (or at least not out-of-date)?

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

I have left a message with the creator of the video to find out where this is linked. It should be still up-to-date and if we can not find the link on Learn WP, we can use this for the event as a backup. Hopefully it can be resolved before WCEU.