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WordPress Creator Connections: Connecting Influencers to Affiliate Programs #357

Open eidolonnight opened 5 months ago

eidolonnight commented 5 months ago


Over several years, numerous folks have noted the challenge presented by WordPress competitors paying influencers and creators to promote their products. A few months ago, @jonoalderson pointed to a specific case of Wix buying favorable opinions.

More recently, a popular creator on YouTube (unnamed to protect their business) noted that he’s successfully using WordPress to run his business and processing thousands of orders annually. Despite this, he ends the video with an ad spot for Squarespace. The software keeping his business running gets a 5-second mention, while Squarespace gets a dedicated minute-long spot.

Affiliate partnership opportunities exist within the WordPress ecosystem but can be hard to find. A new “WordPress Creator Connections” (working title) landing page on WordPress.org could help connect creators to these existing programs. This way, they can share their love of WordPress, make money, and stop pushing their audiences to our competitors.

Project Scope

As a proof of concept, we can start with the hosts listed on the hosting page, as they each already offer an affiliate program. These companies are also already involved in the broader community, and using this list should allow us to implement an MVP quickly. Later iterations of this page could include additional companies and resources such as promotional materials, orchestrated campaigns, and more. The goal of this initial phase is to establish a new page quickly and then review data to determine the level of demand and engagement with these opportunities.

Success Metrics

Primary success metric: Page visits (I.e. Are online creators finding this content?) Other metrics: Page clicks, New WordPress installs, Successful referrals


eidolonnight commented 5 months ago

@rmartinezduque and I started drafting a bit of copy for this page based on the idea that we could re-use the template for /hosting and keep the design simple for this MVP. This is only a few hours work, so we welcome feedback.

Bretteroo commented 4 months ago

Brett from DreamHost here. We think this is a great idea and would be happy to be featured in whatever form makes sense. We'd be happy to provide text for the page, graphics, a landing page on our side...whatever you'd need to make this initiative successful.

StacyCarlson01 commented 3 months ago

I think this is a beautiful idea!! I've been chatting with the other products at WordCamp, and I think it would be awesome to bring more light to the affiliate programs they have going.