Open abhansnuk opened 3 years ago
Polyglot/ translation related Add Polyglot-related terms or cross-link to any polyglot-glossary This came from the number of requests for information on polyglot terms from WordPress Translation Days and contributor events where the glossary was used or tested.
Next steps:
Some of the polyglot-related terms identified at contributor events:
@abhansnuk you mentioned in core and one of the components about updates on this and for documentation to help marketing. Tagging you if you can add an update to this card and the links, when you are available. Thank you.
It will not let me add Mary Baum to this again. I will add this as a potential bug for resolution to the internal comms temp repository later in the week .
IF I leave a comment here, will that add me? YOu're absolutely right I should be watching this and making edits.
As part of today's Sprint, adding my contribution async on this card. @eidolonnight @nalininsbs @murillol @azhiya Courtney, Pooja, Mark Smallman, @OlaIola @meherbala
1) Changing the location and updating process for this glossary There are existing discussions in Learn WordPress about whether this glossary can be incorporated into the contributor area which is being discussed and developed on the LWP resource. It would also then work better cross-teams and bring in the work done on the contributing handbook GitHub.
Background: The glossary held within the Marketing Handbook was for all teams and to provide a more user-friendly version apart from the Codex or external sources. It was also identified as an ongoing need in a second review and feedback from contributor events and WordCamp Europe events. This was before there was a Learn WordPress. However, it is hard to maintain from a technical update perspective, involves extra assistance from Meta, and it has previously been made available in a booklet form (latter is no longer needed). @marybaum and others also assists with tracking items that need to come across which have been added to the main Core based glossary.
Reviews: All of these items are being reviewed and it looks like it would be much better located and updateable via Learn WP. Then specific cards could be shared with a Marketing checklist for wording. This will need to be tested to find the easiest way of doing this and sharing in Marketing for input or assistance in writing a more user-friendly version of a glossary term.
An exploration of this has been part of the 6.0 release and cross-working between core, documentation, Learn WP etc too.
Review summary so far includes:
2) These are the words which were identified relating to polyglots and felt should be in the marketing handbook's contributor glossary - review completed by Olga. These will need easy to understand descriptions. Naoko was to look into the polyglots existing description and send them to marketing to review, for any suggestions on adaptation if necessary (detailed feedback has been gathered from WPTD events).
In the feedback and collaboration sessions, the starred items were felt to be needed on the general glossary as they came up before new contributors really got started on translation or joining the polyglots.
3) WCEU and marketing collaborations 2021/2020/ 2019 There are additional collaboration materials that would be useful to re-review and incorporate into a glossary/ area for new contributors in general on Learn WordPress. Once the way forward and its milestones are confirmed, this can be shared again with Learn WP.
Putting this back in To do until after the next release at request of @marybaum . She will be adding to this from the update at WordCamp US Contributor Day. If anyone would like to volunteer to help on this, add your ID to the ticket. Thank you
This was discussed at WordCamp US, and as a potential item with core for getting feedback at WCAsia Contributor Day. This is a joint item with Core, and has Meta involvement. There is also conversation in Training and Documentation. Moving this for now to other teams area to add other tickets which may be of relevance. It can be linked from WordCamp Asia 2023 contributor day if there is an opportunity for it to be progressed there.
@abhansnuk @WordPress/learn-team @marybaum @WordPress/documentation
Can someone provide an update as to the current status and location of the Jargon Glossary or related Contributor Glossary projects?
Depending on where efforts are at, we could align to get content created/edited at WCAsia (as @nalininsbs has suggested above.)
Whether this can be done at WCAsia will depend on the number of volunteers we will have, and the numbers signed up. According to the WordCamp Asia website, there is now also a virtual ticket option for contributor day and there will be a livestream of what looks like most of the day. I have asked the organizers for more information on how this will work and what teams may need to do, if possible. It may mean more volunteers in Bangkok timezone are needed to help on Slack.
Most teams seem to be still confirming what their offering will be, and as far as I know, we are all waiting for information on expected numbers and which team people have chosen as their preferences (note in WCEU, attendees were able to pick more than one so this will affect the figures if the same approach was on the WCAsia form)..
In terms of core, this is a task for inbetween major releases, not during Beta to launch, though items suggested can be added to the folder as they come in.
There are also currently discussions on where this jargon glossary and a contributor event glossary can sit (the latter was on WCEU temporarily and will need to be migrated at the same time as the jargon glossary). As we are now only a few days from Beta 1, I suspect those discussions with Learn WordPress and core will need to wait.
Once we hear from WCAsia organizers, an easy first task can be created for collaboration cross teams, as we have done previously on this, for contributors to add terms / abbreviations they do not understand, or add suggested descriptions.
Do you know for marketing how many people will be available to help on the day on Slack? Training is also waiting to know on virtual attendees for recruitment. Thanks @sereedmedia and @nalininsbs .
cc. @marybaum Mizanur (his GitHub ID is not linking at the moment)
As far as I can tell, this is where the most recent iteration of the Jargon Glossary is published and residing:
This would be a great document to add to our GitHub documents repository and referenced in a future Contributor handbook.
Editing suggestions:
Once the glossary has a more permanent home, we can setup tasks related to keeping it maintained and ensuring it is known as a resource.
This is the first time that this issue pops into my email. I would like to propose having one single Glossary for the WordPress Project, adding terms from all the teams. For new users, finding the information they are looking for on one glossary would be best. This having to look for different terms under each team's handbook is a bit confusing. And I have found that teams are giving a different description to same words.
The docs team has been working on improving the WP Glossary too. See and
The benefits of one single Glossary are many and most importantly, we will all be teaching the same thing as there could be one single source of information. Some use cases, helpful for onboarding new users or, linking to a term by support team or, training team looking for definitions to write their lessons, etc.
Where would it live? it would be best in GitHub so we can update easily, and it should be in the main WordPress repository. It is important that all teams have access and be responsible for updating terms related to their teams.
Ideally from both a user perspective and ongoing updating process, there should be one go to place for the glossary and any additional terms that should go on it. This is what I recall reading from all the previous discussions of what would be the ideal in the longer term, and for this glossary to be maintained via GitHub under the main WordPress repo. It would need to be signposted from Learn WP, other teams, Contributor Handbook etc. However, there was concern that if there was one single glossary, it needed to be written in a language which more contributors could access so as to avoid the need to have multiple glossaries. Also for an easy link to a filter for terms that may be team specific.
As on previous cards on this on GitHub and Trello, the location of a user-friendly glossary on Marketing was seen as only a temporary location as was the Contributor Glossary on WCEU to fulfil the operational needs at the time for contributor day etc. Potential additional glossary terms were also highlighted during WPTranslationDays. It was not envisaged that any of these terms captured in the glossaries mentioned would be in the medium or longer terms standalone additional glossaries or compete with a main central glossary, but would serve as short term additional help to meet requests and difficulties. They were also a way of gathering the terms that people were raising as difficult to understand. I recall the marketing contributors who originally developed the idea of the A-Z (2018 and it may have been before that too) liaised with other teams at the time.
The cards and google docs have captured the words that have been highlighted through the contributor days and feedback as valuable to include in a glossary. As things have moved on in the project, we now have Learn WordPress and a Contributing Handbook being developed. The work in docs on improving the main WP glossary is very valuable. In previous release discussion and under the Marcomms process, terms have also been highlighted that could be added to a glossary. Some of these have already been added to the WordPress glossary. There will be new terms as the software grows and expands.
So access under the WordPress organization on GitHub is key as it can bring all teams together, as Estela has also highlighted.
It would be important for a single glossary that it can be easily searched and perhaps filtered for different purposes, eg contributing/ community-orientated terminology as opposed to software-related terms. The key other consideration is a way to ensure that the information is the same, but it is understandable by new of beginner level users of WordPress too.
I don't know the status of the current discussion which was taken to Training. I will ask the people I recall in Training who were trying to move this forward to add to this ticket with any movement they may know. I recall that a post was to be drafted to help take this forward, and capture what terms may be being collected elsewhere, but can not find a published version in a quick search.
I brought this up in the @WordPress/wordpress-org-meta-team meeting today to see if we can align these across the project. Are there any other teams that might have opinions on this?
Adding to Abha's comment, we could add a tag to each term to improve search and identify team-specific terms or general WP terms (e.g. marketing, core, polyglots, etc or blocks, Block Editor, maintenance, themes, plugins, etc.)
Other teams that can have an opinion could be community, core and testing.
That would be very useful way forward Estela.
I would suggest raising this in training next week once people are back from WCAsia. I will take it to the Training meeting and Faculty. It can be highlighted in core once training has had chance to add to this. It will need that and update on any discussions they have had, before taking to core. As we are approaching RCs in core, it is also a busy release-focused time.
Since I added myself to this issue, I am making a small summary of where things stand per the conversations above.
Some other things I thought of:
That seems to cover it, thanks @estelaris. I would add a reference to user-access location potentially via Learn WordPress, and if not, linked clearly from there, and the contributor events/ days handbook/ central area wherever this ends up being located in the future.
I'd like to move this back into active projects because I think this should not be simply moved to other teams, but should be a cross collaboration and I'd like to keep marketing involved, especially if we are abale to do the Google Doc initative. @abhansnuk are you alright with me moving it?
I join this conversation and share with you what I have been working on.
Since spring 2022 I am working on a bigger version of a WordPress glossary. The need for this glossary appeared in conversation with Milana Cap (Documentation Team), Courtney Robertson (Training Team) and @estelaris.
As you all know there is a lot of jargon and nicknames. Many features have more than one name (e.g. multisite, network). Many words can mean a lot (e.g. editor, post). Names change (e.g. Gutenberg becomes block editor). And a lot of abbreviations (e.g. GTE).
I have collected more than 450 terms from many WordPress related glossaries and put around 90% of them in a new glossary. Those terms contain a links to their original sources. I am currently putting categories on them. In the future all terms should have a definition and links to related documentation on Some commercial and external sources are included, but it is not too hard to return to a sourced glossary. Although that would be a pitty since a lot of useful information can easier be found on other sites.
The glossary is hosted on a company domain
At a certain stage it should/could be transferred to a site. I am aware that the Meta Team should work on this, but to push the project forward I think it is useful to already have a proof of concept.
Of course I am curious for your thoughts and ideas.
@estelaris I want to surface (lol) this ticket for WCUS Contributor Day! Do you have any updates on Docs team Glossary projects?
@sereedmedia The situation has not changed much so far. The glossary is still available at I keep on improving it.
On WCEU I have met a few people who suggested me how to put it forward into the WordPress domain. An idea was to contact Dion Houle from Meta to make my design technically possible (with a custom post type and categories). "My" glossary should not replace the current glossary system (with the tooltips), but will be a new thing. So far I have not been able to explore those ideas.
To update this issue with current items and updated since this card. The card on Trello can then be deleted. Check updates from WCEU 2021 Contributor Area.
Action: We may need a Macro card with updates for major releases or annually as individual issues eg to add new terms related to FSE. To discuss with Anne in FSE.