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[AMPLIFY]: Meetup Organizer Newsletter, March 2024 #402

Closed courtney-pk closed 3 months ago

courtney-pk commented 3 months ago

What is the goal of this amplification request? (select all that apply)

Inform community/make an announcement (no action necessary), Other

What is the intended audience(s) for this content? (select all that apply)

General WordPress community

Are there any specific platforms where you would like this to be shared? (select all that apply)



None/Not sure/Other

MakeWP Team


What do you want to amplify?

Meetup Organizer Newsletter

Amplification request details

Please review the draft of the Meetup Organizer Newsletter for March 2024, make suggestions/edits as necessary, and prepare to send via MailChimp. Please contact myself (@courtney-pk) and @askhellosatya with any questions about the content.




March 22, 2024

Additional important dates

No response

Any additional notes or details? If you marked "Other" above, please provide additional details here.

Here is the Community Team's process for this newsletter: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/community-deputy/resources-and-tools/meetup-organizer-newsletter/

bjmcsherry commented 3 months ago

Hi @courtney-pk, the email has been completed and is ready to deploy. Do you have an idea of when you would like it to deploy?

courtney-pk commented 3 months ago

Great, thanks @bjmcsherry! We can do it any time now, unless you have a suggestion on a good time of day to do it? Also, did you make any edits that I should transfer over to the post we make on Make/Community?

bjmcsherry commented 3 months ago

Shall we do 12 pm UTC on Friday, March 22? @courtney-pk

courtney-pk commented 3 months ago

Sounds good @bjmcsherry! Can you confirm if there have been any changes to the copy, so I can prepare the Make/Community post? Thank you!

bjmcsherry commented 3 months ago

@courtney-pk No changes to the copy. I was good. :)

courtney-pk commented 3 months ago

Make/Community post is scheduled to publish on Friday, March 22 at 14:00 UTC.

bjmcsherry commented 3 months ago

Thanks @courtney-pk. The email was deployed at the same time. Nice work, all!!. :)

bjmcsherry commented 3 months ago

Closing ticket with this comment.