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2022/04/06 Global Marketing Team Meeting #41

Closed nalininsbs closed 2 years ago

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

All things related to this meeting and any collaboration, including:

Useful cross-links:

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Agenda suggestions:

  1. Welcome

  2. Getting to know each other 2c. Social question - what colors do you think go the best together and are these the colors that help you feel creative?

  3. Notes and volunteers

  4. Projects updates 4a) The 6.0 walkthrough 4b) Newsletters, Campaigns and events updates 4c) Social media updates 4d) GitHub links and updates 4e) Contributor events updates

5) Diary dates - upcoming events and meetings

6) Open Floor

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Shared in the marketing slack channel. I have read a little in the different team notes to see if there are any updates

jpantani commented 2 years ago

@nalininsbs can we have a call out for the Grow Your Story campaign please? While it will live primarily on social, it will be good to position these marketing efforts as Brand Awareness. It will be great to get people to share in their networks. Thanks!

murillol commented 2 years ago

Thanks @nalininsbs, in order to include the Grow Your Story item @jpantani has suggested, I've updated 4b, so it reads Newsletters, Campaigns and Events.

The script for the meeting tomorrow is here, and I've left the Agenda in the P2 as a draft.

santanainniss commented 2 years ago

Could we please add a call for topic contributions for the WP Briefing podcast? It could read something like:

There is an open call for topic ideas for the WP Briefing podcast. If there are any topics you'd like to hear on the podcast, please contact Santana Inniss on Slack by replying to this thread with an @ mention, or by DM.

Thank you!

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Thank you @santanainniss will add this to after @jpantani's item. I will arrange for a card to be set up for you in the discussions area on GitHub for you. This can be referred to regularly too as a reminder.

UPDATE: @santanainniss link to a discussion card for you for this. You can add more information about the podcast and what you are looking for to the card. Once you comment on it, I can add you as the card owner. Thank you https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/discussions/53

@jpantani the macro card for the new campaign. Back to you. If you comment on the card, I can add you as the card owner. https://github.com/WordPress/Marketing-Team/issues/51

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Updated agenda and script. Published agenda https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/2022/04/06/agenda-global-marketing-team-6-april-2022/ Thank you.

dugyen commented 2 years ago

Drafted Meeting Notes for 6th April Last Friday. https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/?p=9022&preview=true

murillol commented 2 years ago

Thanks @dugyen! I've looked over them and made the following edits:

As usual, let's wait until Monday evening to see if @nalininsbs or @eidolonnight have any observations, and then we can hit Publish. Thanks again!

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

It likes it has imported some code in all the text. The larger font is without this. Did Ugyen import the text it from a Word document? @abhansnuk if you have time, could you look at this and remove the imported code? If not, could someone else in a later timezone? Thank you

abhansnuk commented 2 years ago

Hello. I have had a quick look at the P2. The formatting from an original document and some of the coding has been brought in. The option to strip import coding is not working.

If you take the text for each section and put it into notepad or any HTML editor, and then copy it back into the P2, it will resolve this. It will not keep links, so you will need to keep a note of those. I have left in an example at the top @murillol .

I am about to go into a bug scrub for the next two hours, so depending on how late it is after that, I can have another look or show you how.

murillol commented 2 years ago

Thanks @abhansnuk and @nalininsbs, I was actually able to change the typography size in the post's Block menu, so it looks good now. If you all have nothing else to add to the Notes, @dugyen can hit publish :)

nalininsbs commented 2 years ago

Thank you Larissa and Abha.

The font is still showing imported code. If you look at the font compared to a previous edition. For now, it has been published and this can be fixed after. It should not affect the feed. Edits have been made. Shall we start putting the date in when we refer to last week's notes in the current week's notes @murillol ?

Published link: https://make.wordpress.org/marketing/2022/04/12/notes-global-marketing-meeting-6-april-2022/

murillol commented 2 years ago

The font sizes are looking OK for me @nalininsbs!