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[AMPLIFY]: Announcing the 2024 Kim Parsell Scholarship Recipient #432

Open hellojuliarose opened 1 week ago

hellojuliarose commented 1 week ago

What is the goal of this amplification request? (select all that apply)

Inform community/make an announcement (no action necessary)

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General WordPress community

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Any/All/Don't know



MakeWP Team


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Announcing the 2024 Kim Parsell Memorial Scholarship Recipient: Cynthia Norman

Amplification request details

Earlier this week, the WordPress Foundation and WordCamp US announced the recipient of the 2024 Kim Parsell scholarship (WPF announcement | WCUS announcement): Cynthia Norman. It would be great for the Marketing Team to amplify this announcement. Please note, this is not time sensitive.




No firm deadline. Any time between now and late August (before WCUS 2024).

Additional important dates

No response

Any additional notes or details? If you marked "Other" above, please provide additional details here.

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