WordPress / Security-White-Paper

The WordPress Security White Paper, available directly on the WordPress.org site at https://wordpress.org/about/security/
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Translate via translate.wordpress.org #56

Open johnbillion opened 7 years ago

johnbillion commented 7 years ago

Is there a way we can add the security white paper to translate.wordpress.org so it can be translated there instead of via GitHub PRs?

desrosj commented 1 year ago

@dd32 Is this something that could be set up? This would greatly simplify this process.

pkevan commented 12 months ago

Seems like a good idea if it is possible - it's difficult to accurately update the many languages in the current format.

Will try and investigate what this might look like.

javiercasares commented 12 months ago

Maybe this? https://make.wordpress.org/project/2023/09/06/documentation-translation-localization/