WordPress / WordPress-Coding-Standards

PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions
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Non–late-escaping XSS sniff #845

Open JDGrimes opened 7 years ago

JDGrimes commented 7 years ago

The XSS sniff that is currently a part of the standards is designed to enforce a philosophy of late escaping—everything should be escaped immediately before output. However, strict adherence to this is currently difficult, especially for themes, because of some patterns used in WordPress core. (Many WordPress functions return a string, rather than echoing it directly, and do not always escape everything that is incorporated into the output.) There are also times, like when reviewing code, where one is mostly interested in detecting low-hanging fruit, not forcing a late-escaping policy on another developer.

To remedy this, a new sniff may need to be introduced, though it is possible that the existing sniff could also be modified to have a less strict "mode". The idea would be to only flag unescaped output that incorporated known-to-be-dangerous values, like $_POST, $_GET, etc.

Related: #748, https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/pull/844#issuecomment-279714754

westonruter commented 7 years ago

What about using error for the low-hanging fruit and warning for anything in strict mode?

grappler commented 7 years ago

What about using error for the low-hanging fruit and warning for anything in strict mode?

I think it would depend on the ruleset.

So we will be having a list of three different types of functions.

Insecure functions $unsafePrintingFunctions


Mostly secure functions

Any non-pluggable function which core does not escape on output.

'post_password_required', // Needs to be double checked.

Totally secure functions $autoEscapedFunctions

Any non-pluggable function that returns a known limited set of safe static values not directly based on the input arguments and cannot be modified (e.g with a filter) after escaping.

'get_delete_post_link', // Needs to be double checked.
'get_search_query', // Unless the parameter is set to false.
'walk_nav_menu_tree', // Needs to be double checked.

WordPress VIP specific function

Functions that echo and can't be escaped.

My recommendation would be to remove these functions.

Fires an action

Decision needed

My last question would be for the totally secure function the data would need to be escaped after the filter and not before?

JDGrimes commented 7 years ago

What about using error for the low-hanging fruit and warning for anything in strict mode?

That is another possible approach. It really doesn't matter to me, it depends on the different applications that people have for this. As @grappler, it might depend on the ruleset.

So we will be having a list of three different types of functions.

Yes, probably something like that.

My last question would be for the totally secure function the data would need to be escaped after the filter and not before?


dingo-d commented 7 years ago

I've been going through the list as well, and so far I've found 2 deprecated functions in the $autoEscapedFunctions list.

Deprecated functions



bloginfo() is safe as it echoes

echo get_bloginfo( $show, 'display' );

The display filter makes it safe to use (as commented here).

So far on my list of $autoEscapedFunctions are the following functions


I'm still going through the list, will update as I check more.

grappler commented 7 years ago

get_bloginfo() is not valid for $autoEscapedFunctions as the data can be modified via a filter that is why I have added to the Mostly secure functions.

Some of the items on your list conflict with the items on my list. https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/issues/845#issuecomment-279834686

dingo-d commented 7 years ago

I just checked if they are safe, I didn't check for 'mostly safe', that's why I have these still in the allow :)

And get_bloginfo isn't on the $autoEscapedFunctions list, so we're good there I think.

These are also on the secure list (generally secure, I don't differentiate between mostly and totally safe, I'll try to do this once I get them all separated into safe and non safe)

jrfnl commented 7 years ago

@dingo-d Regarding deprecated functions being on the lists: IMHO they should be (correctly detected) for the purposes of these lists. There is a separate sniff to alert about the use of deprecated functions.

dingo-d commented 7 years ago

@jrfnl So the fact that they are on the list doesn't matter? Seems like a bit of an unnecessary clutter. If we are sorting these out, and have a separate sniff for deprecated functions, I think there's no need for them to be here.

jrfnl commented 7 years ago

@dingo-d I do not agree. These are two separate issues and should be sniffed for independently of each other. Someone might have either one of these sniffs disabled or use a ruleset which doesn't include one of them (VIP), the other sniff should still function correctly in that case. So deprecated functions should stay in the list.

grappler commented 7 years ago

@JDGrimes @jrfnl I have gone through the current list of $autoEscapedFunctions and have seperated them into different sections. https://github.com/WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards/issues/845#issuecomment-279834686

I have just used the functions that we currently have listed. There are some functions missing but I think it would be easiest to add them once we have the changes.

There are a few functions that need to be double checked (see the inline comments) and a few that need a decision what to do with them.

JDGrimes commented 7 years ago

I have gone through the current list of $autoEscapedFunctions and have seperated them into different sections. #845 (comment)

Looks good. (I haven't double checked any of them yet, though.)

I have just used the functions that we currently have listed. There are some functions missing but I think it would be easiest to add them once we have the changes.


There are a few functions that need to be double checked and a few that need a decision what to do with them.

  • comments_popup_script is deprecated and does nothing.

Yeah, might as well remove it.

  • delete_get_calendar_cache does not have a return value so it should never be echoed

How did it even get on the list? 😄 (Just a rhetorical question, let's remove it.)

  • do_shortcode_tag is a private function and in core it is not echoed

I don't see why that would ever need to be echoed directly. It's not what it is designed for, and as you say, it is private, so I see no reason to keep in on the list.

My last question would be for the totally secure function the data would need to be escaped after the filter and not before?

Yes. The only exception would be for functions that are specifically escaping functions. For example, esc_html() has a filter, but it is obvious to anything that is using that filter that they need to be escaping whatever they return. For these functions with filters that aren't specifically for applying escaping to a value, they should not have any filter after they escape the data. If they do, then they don't belong on the totally secure function list.