WordPress / blueprints-library

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Discussion: handling of PHP version / os dependent results #96

Open reimic opened 5 months ago

reimic commented 5 months ago

I've noticed that the RunWordPressInstallerStepRunner returns different success messages for different PHP versions.

For PHP <= 7.3 it returns: #!/usr/bin/env php\n Success: WordPress installed successfully.

And for PHP > 7.3 it returns: Success: WordPress installed successfully.

That's just a small / funny wp-cli quirk and it is quite easy to handle, yet it begs a crucial question - should we take the responsibility of delivering unified responses for all PHP / os versions?

Keeping huge ambitions for playground and blueprints in mind, not taking the burden at code level will inevitably push it to support / end users. Although it may look like a nitpick today, it won't take long until this will start causing real-life problems. So, I'd recommend we include a design principle to... care about this... I guess.

adamziel commented 5 months ago

I'd like to understand what's the root cause behind the shebang line being printed on PHP <= 7.3 before making any decisions here.