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Giving Props to Blueprint Community members #21

Open flexseth opened 5 months ago

flexseth commented 5 months ago

Props for contributing to WordPress is a new concept that enables those who want to contribute an easy way to get started.

Maybe someone is just getting started and don't fully understand Pull Requests in GitHub, maybe they have that one really great idea they want to share, but don't know how to build it.

Let's figure out a way for them to get involved with the Blueprints Community and give credit for their contributions.

From Making WordPress post

In January 2022, a proposal was published on this blog to implement a new process within any GitHub repository under the WordPress organization to ensure anyone and everyone contributing to the project receives due thanks in the form of “props.”

One of the greatest things about open source is that contributions come in many shapes and sizes. Anyone can contribute regardless of skill set, experience, time zone, or background. There are countless ways for someone to get involved with open source projects.

WordPress is no different. Contributors submitting code modifications are only a small subset of the larger community. Recognizing all types of contributions is essential to establishing a healthy contributor base, and the responsibility falls on the project’s maintainers. Contributors who feel recognized and valued are more likely to continue contributing.

I'd like to introduce a proposal to give credit in some way to those who contribute to the Blueprints Community!

Existing limitations

The Props Bot is currently only available in the WordPress organization? How to expand props to the Blueprints Community?

Feedback is much appreciate as always 👍

ironnysh commented 5 months ago

Great idea, although using GitHub is a prerequisite to both things (getting Props and submitting a Blueprint to this gallery) :-)

Anyway, according to the announcement post you linked,

The bot can be used in any GitHub repository, not just ones under the WordPress organization.

Seems like all that's needed is to set up the Props Bot GitHub action.

flexseth commented 5 months ago

The bot can be used in any GitHub repository, not just ones under the WordPress organization.

Thank you for the important distinction :)

adamziel commented 5 months ago


bph commented 5 months ago

To gauge the documentation needs when thinking about Contributor badges, looking at other teams will help:

The design team would also be involved to create the badge design for contributors and team members. Most likely, playground would need an individual team...

It is also worth a discussion with the meta team if playground blueprint contributors should just receive meta Contributor badges and augment the team's badge documentation. https://make.wordpress.org/meta/handbook/tutorials-guides/profile-badges/

flexseth commented 5 months ago

@bph - Nice catch on the distinction.

What's the difference between someone who builds a PHP module to do something in Playground, and someone who submits a functioning Blueprint?

Would it be worthwhile as a "first contribution" to give credit for a Blueprint?

When committing code I believe this raises you to level of a repo Contributor.

Should there be two badges? Most teams don't have multiple badges.

You've raised a great question!

adamziel commented 5 months ago

I added author information to GALLERY.md as an early form of recognition: https://github.com/adamziel/blueprints/pull/30/