WordPress / data-liberation

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New Guide: WordPress to WordPress, incl. updating data to a new schema #66

Open carstingaxion opened 2 months ago

carstingaxion commented 2 months ago

I’d like to suggest a new Guide to help people doing a Relaunch of an existing site.

I believe that relaunching a site is one of the greater challenges and that’s why I would love to see some well-written best-practices to help with that.

Simple use-case: _You need to swap plugins, that provide you with a subtitle field (or block). This is usually saved as post_meta, but the metakeys used by the old and the new plugin differ. So you need to change that.

More advanced use-case: You need to separate all posts from the Books-category into a custom post type book, while keeping all existing taxonomy-relations of the former posts.

WordPress provides several options to hook into export, as well as into the import, I could modify the wxr-file manually or use a kind of search-and-replace tool. And on top I have to decide if it is better to do all these things prior, during or after import.

This or similar topics should be covered within one or multiple guides, I think.

jordesign commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion @carstingaxion - I think there's definitely a lot of room for documentation and guidance on larger scale migrations like this.

I suspect that something like this would sit outside/separate to the existing guides (which are quite platform specific) but definitely some kind of canonical documentation of the considerations of large migrations would make a lot of sense.