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New developer focused workflow article about how the login and registration works in WordPress. #165

Closed bph closed 4 months ago

bph commented 10 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/WordPress/developer-blog-content/discussions/159

Originally posted by **Rajinsharwar** August 24, 2023 When developing user authentication systems for WordPress, it's really important to have a deep understanding of the login and registration processes. I am proposing a new article that will shed some light on the intricacies of these processes, and the underlying functions that ensure secure and seamless user experiences in WordPress sites. I have also created a draft documentation for the purpose. Requesting your opinion and review on this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17N4uVctGa1pk8B2AcqY7KGGlY6yVV9azn85TsGJGALA/edit?usp=drivesdk
bph commented 10 months ago

Rajinsharwar The topic was approved in today's Editorial Group Meeting. To assign the issue to you, you would first need to comment here. (GitHub is funny that way) Thanks for suggesting the topic..

Rajinsharwar commented 10 months ago

Hi @bph, great to hear that! Looking forward to get this assigned so that I can include more code references, and proof-read the doc.

Rajinsharwar commented 9 months ago

Hi @bph, I just finished adding more code examples, and more proof-reads. Requesting a review on this: πŸ™‚


marybaum commented 9 months ago

On it! Before Monday in the US

bph commented 9 months ago

@Rajinsharwar to give reveiwers access for comments, could you please make the Google Doc accessible for comments via link?

Rajinsharwar commented 9 months ago

Done, updated the access @bph :)

bph commented 9 months ago

@Rajinsharwar I took a first look but need to take a break now. I will get back to it sometime tomorrow. Sorry. maybe @marybaum or @justintadlock are available for a review.

bph commented 9 months ago

Milana @zzap has volunteered to do a second review on your post.

Rajinsharwar commented 9 months ago

Great! Will be waiting for his feedback on this :)

zzap commented 9 months ago

Hello @Rajinsharwar , I have reviewed your draft and left quite a few comments. First of all, thank you very much for taking the time to write this article. It is an important topic and you certainly spent a lot of time working on it.

The majority of code examples need wporg prefix, as it is a common prefix for examples on wp.org. It's also one of the best practices for coding with WordPress and we want to enforce that.

Some code examples are missing internationalisation functions, and some only textdomain. That as well is expected from all code examples living on wp.org.

One callback, however, is causing Fatal error. I didn't go into detailed debugging, but maybe some hint would be that you are passing 5 arguments but not actually using them.

I don't know how much experience you have in writing software documentation, but I have a feeling that you are going the extra mile to prevent content from being dry or repeated. This is okay, but be careful not to lose the point and clarity while doing so. I commented on a few places which crossed this line and became unclear and difficult to understand or simply too novelistic. With software documentation, be it tutorial or code reference, it's better to be dry but clear than to lose the point in an attempt to be more interesting.

Thank you, again, so much for your time and commitment. I'm looking forward to seeing this article published.

bph commented 6 months ago

@Rajinsharwar I was wondering on the progress of this article. Are there any blockers I can remove?

abhansnuk commented 6 months ago

Following the editorial meeting, following up on this article see if any help is needed to move this forward. Thanks to Rajen and all the reviewers for all your time and effort on this so far.

Rajinsharwar commented 5 months ago

Hi @bph @abhansnuk, hope you're doing great! Sorry for the delay, I have fixed the issues commented on by @zzap πŸ˜ƒ. I hope this is ready for a second review! Let me know if I missed any step!

Thanks to @zzap as well for the detailed feedback, yep, I am new to software documentation, so I will of course make sure to follow your suggestions in future cases. Thanks again, and have a great day! πŸ™‚

bph commented 5 months ago

@abhansnuk would you have time to give this a 2nd review? Google Doc

abhansnuk commented 4 months ago

Hello, I have done the second review and checked in following along on the two items I raised. This is ready.

It needs an excerpt adding, contributors names, and any tags etc.

Great team work everyone! Can’t wait to see this live. Hope you will join us for another post soon Rajin.

bph commented 4 months ago

@Rajinsharwar seems your article is about ready to publish.

So we need to get you access to the site so you can post in draft. I sent you an invite to the site. You need to accept it and you are off to the races :-)

Pre-publishing checklist: (updated 1/29/2024)

Post-publishing checklist

bph commented 4 months ago

Please notify me when you are done with the pre-publish check list. As this is your very first post, please set a Public Preview link and share it here so I can double-check it Screenshot 2024-02-08 at 15 44 49

Rajinsharwar commented 4 months ago

Hi @bph @abhansnuk and all, thank you so much for all your help! I made the post available for public preview: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/?p=2702&preview=1&_ppp=a1d48c5d2b

Social copy:

Gain developer-level insights into the backend functions of user authentication in WordPress with a focus on extending and modifying each step:

[Post link after publishing]

bph commented 4 months ago

The post is now published after I reviewed the post and made the following changes:

<code lang="php" class="language-php">

πŸ™Œ πŸŽ‰Congrats to @Rajinsharwar for the first post published on the Developer Blog!

bph commented 4 months ago

Published:How do Log in and Registration work for developers?

bph commented 4 months ago

schedule on social for 3/4