WordPress / developer-blog-content

In this GitHub space, WordPress team coordinate content to be published on the Developer Blog. Discussion and montly meetings (first Thu) in WP Slack #core-dev-blog
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Share change in process for agencies building sites with the site editor #229

Open annezazu opened 4 months ago

annezazu commented 4 months ago

This has come up repeatedly over the years with the Site Editor: switching to the Site Editor is both a technical and process change. While we have lots of resources on the technical side, can we do a post featuring the process side too? I think having a few examples of "How we do it" style posts would go a long way to help folks consider switching by showing them how folks have done so.

bbertucc commented 4 months ago

Hey @annezazu - I'm happy to get a post up from Decubing. We can schedule the work for next week (Monday). We'll probably focus on one project. Let me know whatever else you need for us to get this up.

annezazu commented 4 months ago

That sounds great! @bph any chance you can help guide this? You all are much closer to what format and work is needed to get live on the dev blog.

justintadlock commented 4 months ago

I've opened this ticket as a Discussion here: https://github.com/WordPress/developer-blog-content/discussions/230

This is just so that things go through the normal approval process. No need to change this ticket. If/When approved, we'll add the Topic Approved label to this ticket.