WordPress / developer-blog-content

In this GitHub space, WordPress team coordinate content to be published on the Developer Blog. Discussion and montly meetings (first Thu) in WP Slack #core-dev-blog
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Formatting standards for the site. #241

Open bph opened 3 months ago

bph commented 3 months ago


bph commented 2 months ago

Featured image notes:

ironnysh commented 2 months ago

I've just prepared my first post for publication. It went pretty smoothly, but thought I'd share a few suggestions for potential time-savers:

  1. Create a couple of templates for common post types (code-heavy tutorials, What's new, etc.). This way, the ToC and Props section are already there, as well as the Code and Notice blocks.
  2. Provide technical guidelines for social copy and a template for the featured image.
  3. Clarify the external links policy (this post is old and incomplete).
  4. Editor-level users can't see the full tags list, so unless you're covered by the Most used, it's a guessing game.
  5. Make the pre- / post-publishing checklist clickable.
  6. Consider adding the Playground Block to the site ;-)
bph commented 2 months ago

All good calls. Thank you @ironnysh

bph commented 1 month ago
bph commented 3 weeks ago

Update on Featured Image: the design team is working on Thumbnail / Featured image set for the Developer blog in Figma. And then writers can follow the tutorial on how to modify the template for their post.

From the Design share

Generating thumbnail images, a step-by-step video

In collaboration with Kathryn Presner, we recorded a video showing step by step how to generate visuals for WordPress-related videos with the video thumbnail generator file. The file will be public in Figma Community once this video reaches WordPress YouTube channel, but so far, it’s already public on WordPress TV.