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How to use WordPress Playground for handovers #247

Closed bph closed 2 months ago

bph commented 2 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/WordPress/developer-blog-content/discussions/245

Originally posted by **ironnysh** April 3, 2024 After writing [an overview of what's possible with Playground](https://github.com/WordPress/developer-blog-content/issues/198) for different audiences, I'd like to share a practical example focused on a use case relevant for developers. The tutorial demonstrates how to work with the JavaScript API to create a [live WordPress website](https://github.com/ironnysh/playground-demo-handover) developers can share with clients. The project includes: - A modified theme - A custom plugin, and - A snippet that generates a new post (complete with the block markup). The text is already written :-) [See the draft here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c31vE7U9eSLfHc9bE1-6E3BTK6bB2s6OhTfLbO_l7zQ/edit?usp=sharing).
ironnysh commented 2 months ago


ironnysh commented 2 months ago

Welp, the draft is ready for review 😄

bph commented 2 months ago

Good morning, @ironnysh I did a review of the draft and left some comments. We need to slightly change the approach, though as the linking to the ephemeral Vercel space won't work for the official WordPress blog. I'd be happy to get on a call to see how to approach it slightly differently. I don't think it's huge blocker...

bph commented 2 months ago

Now I could envision this: If you turn it around, following a path of enhanced complexity. Start with blueprint json steps. That goes through the meat of the matter there, with demo how it works using the ?blueprint-url=blueprint.json.

Then I could see that you discuss advantage to to embed the playground into an index.html, as

Then you share the code for that and create a screenshot and of your demo and leave it at that. Those who are reading that far would know how to place an index.html and a CSS file into the web and don't need any instructions for that. "It's beyond the scope of this article". (edited) What do you think?

ironnysh commented 2 months ago

Hey @bph, great idea. Thanks for the review and helpful suggestions :-)

I’ll share the revised version here once it’s ready.

ironnysh commented 2 months ago

Hi @bph, v2 is ready for review (same file)

bph commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the ping @ironnysh I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

ironnysh commented 2 months ago

Hi @bph, the post is ready for its final-final close up :-)

Public preview is here: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/?p=3531&preview=1&_ppp=3c012555ca

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Social copy:

Spin a live site with a custom plugin, a theme adapted to feature it, and a user manual—no server needed

bph commented 2 months ago

Published: How to use WordPress Playground for interactive demos

bph commented 2 months ago

@ironnysh congrats for your second article!

Would you do the honors and post the props on Slack and I will take care of the rest of the Post-publishing checklist

ironnysh commented 2 months ago

Thanks! :-)

juanmaguitar commented 2 months ago

Social schedule for May 9th