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An introduction to overrides in synced patterns #271

Closed bph closed 2 weeks ago

bph commented 3 weeks ago

Discussed in https://github.com/WordPress/developer-blog-content/discussions/267

Originally posted by **ndiego** June 3, 2024 This article will provide an introduction to [overrides in synced patterns](https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/issues/59819#top), a new feature coming in WordPress 6.6. The article would cover the following: - Explain what synced pattern overrides are and demonstrate how they work from a user perspective - Explain how they work under the hood and their connection to the Block Bindings API - Show how to create overrides with a couple examples - A brief overview of what is on the roadmap for overrides in 6.7+ and links to relevant resources _The actual article title needs some work._
ndiego commented 2 weeks ago

The draft has been created here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z0fiX3Himj_t_H_OQzAhFuwJOkVlW2SNzCPXbOzX4gQ/edit. Reviews welcome 🙏

justintadlock commented 2 weeks ago

Really solid article, @ndiego. First review finished.

ndiego commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the 2nd review @DanSoschin. I have applied all the edits and will start getting this post ready for publication.

bph commented 2 weeks ago

That's awesome!

Pre-publishing checklist:

Post-publishing checklist

ndiego commented 2 weeks ago

Social Post copy:

Synced Patterns will soon be upgraded in WordPress 6.6 with the introduction of pattern overrides. This enhancement enables curated editing experiences, improves workflows, enforces design consistency, and more!


ndiego commented 2 weeks ago

Post has been published: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/2024/06/18/an-introduction-to-overrides-in-synced-patterns/