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Block Theme Resource Round-Up #50

Closed DaisyOlsen closed 1 year ago

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

Discussed in https://github.com/WordPress/developer-blog-content/discussions/45

Originally posted by **DaisyOlsen** December 22, 2022 Similar to the topic idea in #37 - I'd like to write up a round-up style post with resources for Theme Developers, particularly for Block Themes and the gradual adoption of block theme technology. Ideally, focused on content that was new in the last several months. Since the post will not be published until 2023, I suggest avoiding calling it a 2022 wrap-up in favor of a more general Round-up. - workshops/courses/tutorials on learn.wordpress.org - wordpress.tv videos - dev notes - Useful how-to/tutorials from DevHub To be published before the end of January 2023. Discussion, feedback welcome!

Pre-Publish Checklist

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

It's taken me a bit longer to get this fleshed out than I hoped but I've managed to curate most of the links I'd like to include in the post. At the excellent suggestion of @bph I plan to organize the links based on function/feature with an eye toward workflow rather than chronologically as I originally thought to do.

The links are being gathered and organized into a Raindrop.io Collection

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

I have one more place to pull links from, and I can get a draft together pretty quickly for review.

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

I've created a doc with my (very) rough draft. I've organized links into what I believe to be good groupings based on general topics. I hope not to overwhelm the post with a lot of text, as I think the real value is in the content at the other end of the links and how they are organized. There are a few that I may need to change the link text for to make them more clear.

I will put a bit more work into this and plan to have it in a reviewable state before I begin my weekend. If you have any feedback on the organization of the links, please feel free to comment on the document. I'll report back when the prose section is ready for feedback.

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

This is ready for review! I would love to see this published sometime next week if possible 🥺 All feedback and suggestions are welcome. Text is intentionally on the light side because the links are the focus.


I have not added a draft post yet. If that's the preferred next step, I'm happy to do so.

bph commented 1 year ago

Hi @DaisyOlsen, I gave it a first look and added a few comments. It's a fantastic list of links in one place. It could also be immediately overwhelming if it isn't broken up into a few narrated paragraphs. I offered a few suggestions, you don't have to follow, but they might give you a few more ideas, how to guide your reader beyond the catalog.

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback @bph I'll be working on implementing some or all of it in the next day or so :-)

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

I've implemented some of the feedback provided in the Google docs draft. I've moved it all over to a draft on the site: https://developer.wordpress.org/news/?p=832&preview=1&_ppp=bcbf2310e0

I've left the short text, and link lists as-is. This was the format I was going for to group the links without too much text around them. I'm happy to be wrong for future posts, but this seems to be the right approach to me this time around.

Would love to move this forward in the next couple of days, if possible if I get another review or two.

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

Hi @DaisyOlsen Thanks for this. Two suggestions:

abhansnuk commented 1 year ago

Can you please add an excerpt before it goes live, and any contributor names that are needed at the bottom. Thanks @bph and @DaisyOlsen . Back to you.

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the fast turnaround Abha. I'll get this wrapped up to publish tomorrow. 🎉

mburridge commented 1 year ago

That's a fantastic list of resources and you've done a great job in compiling the list and categorising the items within it @DaisyOlsen. The one thing I think I would like to see, and I realise it would be quite a bit more work and so potentially would delay publication so feel free to disregard, is a more detailed introduction to each section explaining the basic concepts and why you need them.

So, taking Block locking as an example - what is block locking, what purpose does it serve or what problem does it solve, and why should I follow up by clicking the links in that section and what benefits will it bring me.

This could provide the reader with "motivation" for digging into what is an excellent list of resources.

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

Great suggestions @mburridge - I will continue with the short descriptions, however. I think revisiting this post or creating something like it periodically would be a good idea. The next time, the descriptions could be fleshed out more, and the links updated to reflect the most relevant information.

DaisyOlsen commented 1 year ago

The post has been published. Thanks to everyone for the reviews and suggestions.
