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Captions are "scruntched up" #10043

Closed frodojrr closed 5 years ago

frodojrr commented 5 years ago

When I create a post from scratch on eNews Park Forest, the images will not center, and the captions are crunched together, centered, and floating to the left beneath each respective image.

Using Gutenberg Version 3.8.0.

See here: https://www.enewspf.com/park-forest/speaker-madigan-supports-mcdonalds-worker-strike-over-sexual-harassment/

You can see the caption under the main headline, how it is all crunched together. I just added another image from the image library just for purposes of sending this bug report. The image is 400 pixels wide, aligns left, and the caption below it is all crunched together.

To Reproduce

Don't know what to say here, except that I added images already in our image library.

Expected behavior

Screenshots below pretty much tells the story.


screenshot 2018-09-19 12 41 38

screenshot 2018-09-19 15 00 02

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context

Done. Above.

designsimply commented 5 years ago

This looks like it might be related to your theme.

May I ask what theme you are using?

Can you walk through your steps to add captions, even if they are basic, for how you add captions to images? Do you copy and paste text from another source or are you typing in the full caption by hand into an image block directly?

frodojrr commented 5 years ago

I type captions in by hand. Sometimes I cut and paste. I don't see underlying code. In Gutenberg, I always use the Media Library option. When I've tried "Upload" from Gutenberg, I can never find the image in my library.

The theme is MH Magazine, using a Child Theme.

Gutenberg works fine on my other blogs, so, yes, this may be specific to my theme.

Could it be that one of the files in my child theme hasn't really updated with updates from the template?

Thank you.

manonatelier commented 5 years ago

The theme is fine. It's the CSS.

The caption tag, "figcaption" is display:table-caption. In order for it to work properly in this instance, you need to have the parent tag "figure" as display:table.

Currently the CSS for the parent tag "figure" is display:block.

frodojrr commented 5 years ago

Where would I put that? In additional CSS in the theme, or in the plugin somewhere?

manonatelier commented 5 years ago

I would let the WP people fix it.

But if you want to fix it in the interim, just put it in APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZER > Custom CSS for now.

manonatelier commented 5 years ago

My suggestion:

Need to have a class for when there's captions on the parent tag "figure", such as .has-caption, and have that display:table. So that they can keep display:block when there's no captions.

frodojrr commented 5 years ago

Thanks, Manon.

I had to add !important; for it to work, but it works now!

figure { display: table !important; }

mtias commented 5 years ago

Closing as there's nothing much to do here (theme forces a display on figcaption) outside of targeting the caption class rather than the element.