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Blocks are difficult to edit with speech recognition #15339

Open karlgroves opened 5 years ago

karlgroves commented 5 years ago

Blocks are difficult to edit with speech recognition

Issue description

Users of speech recognition software such as Dragon NaturallySpeaking, who are attempting to edit blocks, have difficulty bringing their focus into the blocks. The Title block in particular does not retain added text when users attempt to move focus elsewhere (for example, by saying "press tab").

Pre-filled Title blocks which have text added to them do not seem to adjust their size when dictation adds more text. This makes the additional text not visible to users unless they manually move their cursor to the end. Only by switching to keyboard or mouse does the Title block adjust its size to show all current text.

Currently, the only way to retain added text in the Title block, is to speak keyboard commands for moving focus to something else.

Remediation Guidance

Speech recognition users should be able to use speakable keyboard commands such as "press tab" and get the same results as a keyboard user pressing the Tab key (i.e. where dictated text remains, just as typed text would).

When focus is moved into a block via speech commands, the block should adjust its size to ensure that added text is visible.



Note: This issue may be a duplicate with other existing accessibility-related bugs in this project. This issue comes from the Gutenberg accessibility audit, performed by Tenon and funded by WP Campus. This issue is GUT-109 in Tenon's report

melchoyce commented 5 years ago

Screenshot from full report:


afercia commented 5 years ago

Related: #6010 and #6011.

afercia commented 5 years ago

This is part of a more general problem where many inputs in Gutenberg don't react very well when using speech recognition software.

Some exploration and in-depth testing ran on #5468 thanks also to the contribution and insights from the UK Government Digital Service team, Eric Wright @ewaccess, and Graham Armfield @grahamarmfield.

In March 2018, the Accessibility team published a post on the Make blog with an extensive testing session by Eric Wright, see https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/2018/03/28/accessibility-of-gutenberg-the-state-of-play/

Complete video (48 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-Vavq4qZVM (test procedure available at https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/gutenberg-testing/)

Shorter video testing only the post title (2 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VToDhQOQdSQ