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Embed Blocks: Unify the Styles for the Embed Block Icons #30755

Open deborah86 opened 3 years ago

deborah86 commented 3 years ago

What problem does this address?

The icons for the Embed blocks are terrible to look at. There are too many different styles and colors. The icons are different sizes. It looks terrible.

What is your proposed solution?

Pick a style for the embed block icons and stick with a single style. Create style guidelines for new embed blocks.


karmatosed commented 2 years ago

I think this might need design feedback over needing design because I think it's a matter of conversation if this is changed or not. There are 2 possible options:

My input would be to leave as is because they are the ones that are tied to branding. If anything should change it would just be making them mono.

deborah86 commented 2 years ago

@karmatosed Not all the icons have the color of their branding. The Flickr logo does not. Also, some icons don't have the correct logo such as:

These are using placeholder logos. If placeholder logos are going to be used instead of the official logos for some options then it is better to make all the logos mono.

hanneslsm commented 11 months ago

Design feedback from my side: Only use mono-colored icons.