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Columns block: Nesting blocks starting at 4th level produce render issues [Only iOS] #36666

Closed fluiddot closed 1 year ago

fluiddot commented 2 years ago


Related to Columns - Deep nesting is possible (iOS only)- TC012 test case, I noticed that starting at the 4th nest level, the content stops being rendered although it allows interactions.

Step-by-step reproduction instructions

  1. Open a post.
  2. Switch to HTML mode and copy the following code:
    <!-- wp:columns -->
    <div class="wp-block-columns"><!-- wp:column -->
    <div class="wp-block-column"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
    <p>- Level 1</p>
    <!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
    <!-- /wp:column -->

-- Level 2

--- Level 3

---- Level 4

Example text

3. Switch to visual mode.
4. Select the Columns block and navigate to the deepest nesting level.
5. Observe that content at that level is not displayed, just an empty box.
6. Observe that the appender button is not displayed but allows to add blocks when tapping in the box.

## Expected behaviour
<!-- Please describe what you expected to happen. -->
Content at any deep nesting levels should be displayed.

## Actual behaviour
<!-- Please describe what actually happened. -->
Content at the 4th nesting level and beyond is not displayed.

## Screenshots or screen recording (optional)
If possible, please upload a screenshot or screen recording which demonstrates
the bug. 


## WordPress information
- WordPress version: <!-- e.g. "5.8.0". Find this in Tools → Site Health → Info → WordPress -->N/A
- Gutenberg version: <!-- e.g. "9.4.0" or "Not installed" -->N/A
- Are all plugins except Gutenberg deactivated? <!-- "Yes" or "No" -->N/A
- Are you using a default theme (e.g. Twenty Twenty-One)? <!-- "Yes" or "No" -->N/A

## Device information
- Device: <!-- e.g. "Pixel 4" or "iPhone 11" -->iPhone 11
- Operating system: <!-- e.g. "Android 11.0" or "iOS 14.0" -->iOS 15.1
- WordPress app version: <!-- e.g. "16.3" or branch name / git commit hash -->`18.7`
geriux commented 1 year ago

This issue is now solved in trunk, most likely related to the BlockList refactor. Closing 🚀